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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why You Should Read and Re-Read Think and Grow Rich

Many people may feel that since they have already read Think and Grow Rich that there is little reason to revisit the book. However, this is definitely not the case with this timeless classic. Think and Grow Rich is the type of book that you can reread every few months. In fact, many highly successful business people keep an earmarked copy of it handy and refer to it constantly. And if you have never read Think and Grow Rich, I highly recommend that you pick up a copy immediately!

If you doubt that you should periodically re-read Think and Grow Rich, simply recall the sheer number of important and accomplished individuals that felt the book had a major hand in their success. The simple fact that so many people felt that Napoleon Hill's timeless work was vital to their success should be enough to keep you referring back to it again and again.

Think and Grow Rich highlights the power of focus and determination in reference to getting what you want out of life. Think of it in this fashion; if you make it a habit to read the book periodically, then you have a built in safeguard. What is meant by safeguard? On your path towards accomplishing your goals, you might run into some serious bumps in the road. As a result, it is in your best interest to remind yourself of the key concepts of the book, such as revisiting the story of Thomas Edison and Edwin Barnes. Barnes was the man who through nothing more than determination forged a working relationship with Thomas Edison. How Barnes went about forging this relationship was quite impressive and remarkable. (If you do not remember how he did it, then there is further proof of why you need to re-read this book.)

The bottom line is that Think and Grow Rich is full of thought-provoking and relevant material for anyone looking to achieve their goals. It can be constantly mined for new insights. While on the topic of mining, perhaps you've forgotten the section of Think and Grow Rich entitled, "Three Feet From Gold." This is the story of a miner who gave up looking for gold when he was only three feet away from striking it rich. The point is that we never know how close we are to actually achieving our goals and, as a result, should not give up. These and other points made in the book are so valuable that you should work to embed them into your mind and revisit these thought provoking lessons whenever possible.

By Debbie S. Parker

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