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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wallace Wattles - Infinite Abundance is the Natural State of the Universe

As Wallace Wattles states so eloquently in "The Science of Getting Rich", the Universe is naturally abundant. Infinite abundance is the natural state of things; it is one of the universal laws. What this means, is that you too can have abundance and live an abundant life... if you know how to access it.

"Everything you see on earth is made from one Original Substance, out of which all things proceed. New forms are constantly being made, and older ones are dissolving; but all are shapes assumed by One Thing." (Wallace Wattles)
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles calls this original substance the "Invisible Stuff". And its supply is truly endless since we know the Universe is constantly expanding. Metaphysics has already proven what Wattles claimed to be true. Everyone and every thing is fundamentally energy in motion and interconnected.

To help you understand this concept in another way, let's examine what Dr. Wayne Dyer says. In the remarkable film "The Shift", Dr. Dyer explains that we are all part of one "Source". So, everything is connected to everything, at some level. Therefore, you are all already connected in spirit to everything there is and merely need to learn how to summon it towards you. You essentially have access to the unlimited, infinite abundance of Source energy. Hence, the Universe -- and YOU -- are naturally abundant.

Thought too, is pure energy. In fact Wattles asserts that, for our purposes, it is the very seed of creation. Thoughts are things and so when you learn to choose your thoughts deliberately, you can begin to create whatever you want.

This is the essence of one of the natural laws of the universe: like causes always produce like effects. If you have seen the film The Secret or been a student of self help for any length of time, you are no doubt familiar with the term "law of attraction". Law of attraction is the natural law which Wattles describes in his b


So Wattles not only demonstrates that the Universe and you -- as an interconnected part of the Universe -- are abundant, but he also explains how the abundance is accessed. You access the infinite abundance of the Universe through deliberate application of the law of attraction... that is, through the mastery of your thoughts.

By Warren Wojnowski

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