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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who Am I, the Battle I Rage Inside My Head?

I no longer fear being alone but embrace it with open arms. My moments of solitude define me. Surrounded by silent thoughts that keep me company. It is quite liberating to seek out my self in moments of social ignorance. Boredom is the only downfall to hours kept by myself. I have become ailed with cabin fever, yearning to go outside and explore but am trapped by limited funds.

The only escape I have found from my solitude is slaving myself to the man. Surrounded by people that I am forced to comply with. I have never been one who has to be on the go and constantly busy but I am finding it harder to stand still. I miss invitations from my friends back home who kept me from being socially awkward and alone. I sometimes feel like my piece of the puzzle does not fit with my current city living. I am looked at as different and odd. This hurts my inner being and crushes my once over flowing confidence. This is a flaw that I have created through not caring of others opinions. I always cherished my freedom from others thoughts but now am surrounded by negative forces of change. Am I the one who has been wrong all these years?

Kept silent by my own regard of being deaf to insults has kept me sane and now I am lost in a world of hidden insults. I have slowly been broken to dwell on matters of thought that is nothing short of an illusion.

Fixing myself with a humble wrench has proven to be overly stimulating. I cry myself to sleep knowing that I am free of the chains of fear of loneliness only to create a beginning contract of self loathing. I have freed my inner child to the past and have set it free for a new beginning of self worth. Searching for something other than comfort and stability has been a challenge that has been weakened by my own sense of strength. The only thing holding me back to my future happiness is myself. I have known that life is to short and to make the most of it but my life has been set on snooze. My identity is nothing more than a face and a name and I want to be known more to my fellow peers as more than a fool.

My logic is self-explanatory but hard to understand the basic level of thought. It is hard to understand something if you do not take the time to listen to a tutorial of minutes passing. Absorbing what others cry as their own mold of self expression. My words are always tangled in a web of vanities that are connected to my soul. I know the emphasis to what I am trying to elude, production of self peace. I know that my words are changed by others to make a story of better entertainment. How can I be anything other than myself?

How can I change to belong when all I do is long for the comfort of a friend? I guess if it was not for my solitude I would not appreciate such outings for human contact. To this I digress I can no longer long for anything and agreeably consider such aspects of life. I am happy and I will continue to live a life of growth and prosperity of knowing the depths of my inner silence.

By Kendra Daniels

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