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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Troubles Affecting Single Parenting

There are so many troubles that single parents have to face. First would be the unexpected emotional weight left by the event. The ones who have to deal with the pain are the parents and the kids. Other than that, finances have to be handled with pressure. Sometimes, the battle over custody begins. This only means that every move would require a lot of emotions and money and these apply to newly divorced, separated, or unmarried mothers.

Based on statistics, the number of single mothers is greater than single fathers. That is 83 percent versus 16 percent. The share of grief however is not to be judged by it as anyone affected feels and undergoes the same. Below are among the major problems that single mothers commonly face and need to attend to as soon as the marriage ended or as soon as the problem is realized to be able to move on in life.

Depression. With this, not only the mother and the father are affected but also the kids. They may be young to understand the things that only the adults can but what they need more than explanation is the presence of both parties even when legally separated. The tendency for these kids is to be prone to fights. Some become loners. Parents, the pain may be too huge for you to handle but consider how the kids feel above all. Keep them in check and shower them with love and compassion whenever and however you can.

Adjustments. Sometimes, one has to move out not because of conjugal properties are put into question but mostly because one needs to take a breath of fresh air. Separation urges either the mother or the father to escape from the memories that an old home often reminds. Other than these - and women are normally the affected side - moving to another location is necessary because that is where the earning opportunities are. Single parents understand this so well.

Financial matters. If there is anything that has to be handled first and foremost by single parent families, that is the family finance. Single mother grants or single parent grants are usually the best way to resolve this difficulty; how to obtain it is another question. The process may be painstaking but worth the time and effort.

You just have to prepare all the necessary document s and supporting papers to make sure that once you make an appointment with the nearest Human Services Department, you would not have to trouble yourself with hat you lack. Just remember that although single parent grants can help you deal with your finances, there are exceptions. These include funeral expenses, school fees, or social fund repayments. It would be advisable to study the terms very well before diving into it and plan carefully for which you are going to spend your money.

A lot of times, a single mother would try to make ends meet in terms of financial needs most especially if she is raising grade school kids. Remember though that anything has a solution if you would focus on the future instead of the past.

By Amie Haskett

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