This spot is dedicated to Fathers, Dads, Stepfathers And Stepdads. We all have Relationships with our Children. Here we will take parenting or fatherhood advice, tips and tools and see what Fatherhood is all about.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What It Means to Be a Good Father

The subject regarding the importance of the role of a father in a family unit is not really worth debating. While certainly there are many households who have become successful with the absence of a father, according to statistics families are tighter and stronger if the love and care of a mother and a father is present. With the presence of a father, the family will most likely to live above the level of poverty, likely to have a stable residence, children and adolescents are less likely to have trouble with school and the law and they would also develop a strong sense of independence. These are just some of the positive influence that a father can give into a family.

As clearly stated above, you cannot underscore the importance of the father in a family unit. But it is also a fact that fatherhood is not for everyone. Fatherhood is not for those who have a weak resolve. Fatherhood is a job that once you have taken, you can't simply turn your back and walk away once things starts to become difficult. And yes, being a father is a very hard profession. It takes great commitment and hard work in order to effectively fulfill the role of being a father. But what does it take to be the best father?

Being a father entails one thing, and that is commitment. Commitment to your wife, to your children, to your family. Commitment to make sure that you are providing them with what they need and to ensure that they are happy. As a father, you are the foundation of the family. And as a foundation you need to be a symbol of strength and iron will. You cannot afford to display a weak willed nature because it will also influence your family. And as a father it is also your duty to ensure the future of your child. You make sure you that they are fed well, have good clothes, go to a good school etc. You are the one who must pave the way for your child's future and it is your duty to make sure they stay on that road. If not, you are the one who will stand by and support your son or daughter on whatever decision they come up in life.

Being a father does not mean you have to be perfect. Nobody is. But you can be the best father to your children. Someone that they can be proud to be called your son or daughter. Yes being a father is a difficult job that entails a lot of responsibility, but it is also very rewarding. Seeing your children grow up into outstanding adults is enough to fill your heart with pride. And the rewards for being a father? The great unconditional love of your family. They will give all their love, respect and trust to you. They will cherish you forever and they will owe their very existence to you. Such is the role and nature of being a good father.

By Cori Baker

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