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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What To Do When Your Child Is Having Teething Pains And Sore Gums

Infants who start to grow teeth may feel really distressed owing to the discomfort. The gums are generally soft and tender when a new tooth erupts. As a new tooth breaks the surface, the area of the gums may look swollen or red over the tooth. This commonly takes place on the sixth month of a child's life. However, some babies may start to grow teeth once the baby turns two months old.

The lower central incisors or the bottom two teeth are typically the first to erupt. It is then followed by the upper central incisors, or the two upper front teeth. A classic indicator of teething is drooling, which usually begins at about two months before the first tooth erupts. A child may also be irritable, cranky, and may have difficulty sleeping, which may be noticed 3-5 days before the tooth shows. Teething discomfort can also interfere with a kid's feeding pattern.

Parents frequently dismiss other symptoms like fever with a temperature of higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, diarrhea, cough, vomiting, decreased urine output, and runny nose because they correlate it to teething. Having said that, parents should not be complacent once they observe these signs and symptoms because they are not linked with teething. Your little one has to be checked by your doctor to rule out other causes.

Teething may be unpleasant for your little one, but there are home treatments that can relieve your child's discomfort. Teething rings help simply because babies get relief from the gentle pressure on their gums from chewing. Choose the ones made of firm rubber since it may be less dangerous to use in contrast to those filled with water. The liquid-filled variety may cause possible harm when it breaks. A baby bottle may even work but it should be filled with water, and not juice or milk. Prolonged contact from sugar found in milk, juice or formula can cause tooth decay.

Babies are also usually relieved with cold items. Teething rings that can be placed in the refrigerator can provide comforting coolness. Never put the teething ring in the freezer because it may only hurt your child. You can also have your child bite down on a chilled washcloth to provide relief. Parents need to be cautious during this time simply because babies may put anything in their mouths, that may result in choking. Keep all objects that are choking hazards away from your baby's reach.

Since teething causes feeding problems, it may be sensible to use teething nipples so that your baby can better tolerate feedings. If your child has started eating solid foods, it is easy to offer his favorite food chilled, like yogurt or applesauce. Rashes are additionally common to little ones who drool. A simple way to prevent skin irritation is to constantly wipe your baby's face with a clean cloth every time he drools.

Parents may be tempted to buy over-the-counter medicines to decrease teething pain. However, it may not be safe to do so without having your physician's advice. Many of these topical gels contain benzocaine, which is a local anesthetic, and if applied too far back in the throat may interfere with the gag reflex. Parents should also avoid giving aspirin to a child simply because it has been linked with Reye's syndrome. Though teething may be generally dealt with at home, parents still need to be alert for signs or symptoms, which may warrant a visit to the medical doctor.

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