Rich Dad poor dad Robert Kiyosaki, which is one of the best I have ever read in my life books. It was the New York Times best seller and the most famous author of the book. I read it in May 2009, but October 2010 was the first time to read it again this year and I even decided to write a review reminds me of the rich golden rules.
I started to read the 2007 Rich dad cash flow quadrants, and since then the father, and the rich sets of the rich dad series and his Adviser, I have bought 14 books. Personally I do not like to read the same book twice, but the Rich Dad books are exceptional, I have read many of them twice, and each time I read it I always pick up something new, or on-the-spot checks in order to realise something I at first reading or has already forgotten. I am a big fan of Rich dad and I, the Scenery of this book five stars is Amazon.
This book is one of the best the mindset books you can still read; He combined stories and also use a simple English makes it easy to understand. People who are much more versatile than Robert Kiyosaki is not much, not many people want to share a rich secrets and teach you how to create wealth. I really admire Robert Kiyosaki generosity and share his wealth of secrets of the world and his determination to educate people, their financial well-being of humanity, intelligence and courage.
Robert Kiyosaki had two dads; One of the most versatile one bad one. Poor dad was his real father; He was well educated with PH. D and was once a Hawaii, head of State and head of education, however, he struggled financially for his entire life.Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki was the best friend of the father, who began to control him, when he was a child, and contributed to the massive building of his life and prosperity of the rich dad never. complete the eighth grade, however, he owns to an appreciable extent independently of its actual business estates, incubator units, stimulation, investments, and he owns the companies and later became one of the richest men in Hawaii. Rich Dad died without leaving tens of million dollars, the members of his family, charities and his Church, even if his father left the poor, and the invoices paid. Robert Kiyosaki decision to listen to and follow his rich Dad's Guide and advice has finally made him rich and shape, which finally came.
Poor father often said, "love of money is the root of all evil", while the RICH Dad said, "the lack of money is the root of all evil." Poor dad Robert Kiyosaki is often said, "Go to school, study hard, get a degree and find a good job"; he believed the hard work and loyalty. Often, however, Rich dad Robert Kiyosaki said "Mind your own business", "Invest and create your own resources and the creation of employment";He believed that they would be operational from the intelligent and always said the job information, rather than the poor, the father will not be able to work with money. believed on his house was his biggest asset, while the RICH dad Robert Kiyosaki-dwelling is taught as a liability on the part of the thee and asset Bank.
As you can see, Robert Kiyosaki, rich dad was a completely different mindset as compared to his poor father, because they saw in the world and the money in a different way. Most of us are familiar with the poor, too, the father of philosophy and that is to say, why most of us are not rich.Robert Kiyosaki said our mindset is our most important asset, and it is why it is very important for us to educate ourselves first, financially can become RICH.
Lesson # 1 the rich don't Work for money, they have their Money work for them. When Robert Kiyosaki was nine years old, he was already a strong desire to get rich. His best friend Mike and then ask Mike itself decided to teach them how to become a father, a rich and his journey began.First, they worked 10 cents/hour rich father and then at a later time they worked for him for free. Rich father told them, "the poor and middle class work for money, but the rich have money work for them."
Lesson # 2 Why Teach financial Literacy?Rich Dad said, to get a lot of the most important and only rule is that you need to know the difference between the asset and liability and buy assets.
He said that most people struggle economically, because they do not know the difference between assets and liabilities.The rich and the poor, acquire assets and liabilities of the middle class to obtain, but they think, they are assets. In order to simplify the procedure, an asset is something that will move the money in your pocket and the debt is something that takes money out of your pocket.
Rich Dad also said that in order to obtain wealth we have read and understand the numbers, and he drew the attention of the cash flow charts of the pattern of assets and liabilities.Most people fail to resolve in the face of the tender selected is economically the most, because do not understand cash flow and do not know how to have them money work. plenty of Father said is rich and keep your wealth, you need to know to read the numbers and letters can be financially literate, as well as in numbers.
Lesson # 3 Mind your own Business.In this case, the create and maintain a strong asset to the column heading.
Lesson # 4 in the history of taxes and power companies.The biggest secret of the tax is a rich, this is due to the fact that the rich to companies the opportunity to earn, spend and then pay taxes, while the middle class and poor people earn, pay taxes, and then, depending on the size of the rich dad spend., tax is one of the biggest expense for most people, however, a rich and richer and richer, aware of the tax legislation.
Lesson # 5 RICH Invent Money.Economic intelligence also requires the ability to read the numbers, to understand the money to make money, market, and the laws and regulations of the supply and demand in the Research of different skills.Opportunities are everywhere, but if you develop a financial intelligence program cannot be identified.
Lesson # 6 job learn how-do not follow the money. Rich Dad said to specialise in one thing, but to learn a lot of different things, what he means is that it would be necessary to learn all the different aspects of the company. Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki, also announced that he is required to act for more information about the skills work for money.
Rich Dad books has been the impact of the change in me life and this book is His poor DAD difference. [1] [2], as I believed an excellent education to get a good job and climb the corporate ladder. I thought that the only way to get rich was to encourage greater drive a large company or run your own company, I read Rich Dad. until such time as the book series, I had the idea that access to a wealth of is only a worker are very thin and I realised what was in the way, I thought.
Such as Rich Dad said you like it or not the legislation is written to the rich, and rich, if you want to get plenty of Use to the same laws, where the rich used. I did not know that the tax laws are one of the biggest reason why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. even the business after graduating from high school, I've learned anything about money, investment and wealth management. After reading his book, I realized I want to acquire and create resources and make my money work for me. This book is completely changed my way of thinking and helped me to think outside the box, it is a great book ... I bought it for my other family members, and is also not hesitation, it is recommended to anyone.
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
Rich Dad poor dad-if not Rich, find out why and learn how Robert Kiyosaki Secrets-Wealth
Better Dad,
My Father
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