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Monday, October 18, 2010

Dads and Doulas: how to leave feeling competent Doula Assisted Birth at Dads

How often is not speaking to the mother for the first time
doula care, and he looks so jazzed idea, and then
his partner becomes all of a sudden, doula care. Is
in the case of a non-option.
I have seen many less than fond of father examined for the first time
with the doula care, many of them doula idea.
apparently not. He is a member of the unnecessary costs and
unnecessary intrusion. He has another stranger is
voyeur private would you like to stay at the the other person's boss, you can
around.He is someone who can shunt of the father.
When addressing the doula care for dads, it is important to
Listen to and verify their fears. "it is completely
Normal for those uneasy and wholly comprehensible
they feel threatened.Is a completely natural
they cost and the need to own a very
There is, that is to say when to convince them.
Five best father fears (not always Articulated in this directly):
1) you do bad
2) you will need to exclude them
3) you will need to make them feel dumb
4) you interfere with and monitor their partner wants to
at birth
5) you have to do something with the nurses overcharging, in any event, the
You will need to make the poor:
This can happen only if the Doula is not makes his work.  As
far as it is shown, in my work is to support and enhance the
family bonds.My job is to find a good father. Quietly prompt, release the slyly Kleenex or cold
Cloth, and make sure that he gets as credit risk as much as possible.
They are a pair, they are Not about the parents.
for me.
To exclude them:
I am always with our partner companies include the father of comfort-level
for him and her.
How to measure this? I pay particular attention to ways of
date of birth, and make sure that darn cull information
a couple of the month after the date of birth.I ask, in particular,
The father of my prenatal visit: what does for me is therefore
date of birth and what to test to see if you can do? what do you want to
be responsible for?
As well, the father of the mother at the time of notification have informed a wish is not
be included in the delivery of the full work and, in any
reason Habla information directly to dialoguing
before the birth, in such a way that he is aware of the wishes of his father
directly in the case of their relationship and they have a unique
I have great respect for the history.
They feel dumb to do:
Again only if my work is not done. in my experience,
is usually a Doctor or Nurse, midwife, less often
who does a good job to make someone feel just a little dumb
at some point during pregnancy, during work or deliveries.
need for me to add that dynamic.
My job is to make the search for the father is the ball and empathetic,
even if it does not come naturally. I am a great believer
always the father shall be adopted in accordance with the paragraph "the opportunity to save face"
his interest.This means I whisper to him, I have to drag the
in the lobby or the bathroom I've brought with it, to do things
his idea and calls on the gel.
Interfere with and monitor their partner wants to address
Date of birth:

Father: n to think sometimes, Doulas are crazy hearing protectors
All natural birth, which throws itself
mother's body to block all pins from entering
anywhere! Honestly some Doulas to believe that.And some of the
moms want to that Doula.But it is not for me.
Even if I have a custom, strongly held views, who is deemed to be
about the need and the lack of many of the two
interventions also I have great respect for the right of a woman very strongly
consent and informed choice is to me.
announced. If he wants to an intervention and
been made aware of the risks and rewards, and still wants to
His right to continue, that is to say, it is his place of birth and not mine,
and I have permission to manage his choices.
Teen darn sure to acquire a sense of his wishes to include
the birth and his philosophy of pain around the control and
He wants too. I try to ensure that they are both very
be informed and aware of the pain pharmaceutical options
relief. (I) ensure that I am very with the doula
tricks and provide relief goodies I quickly a lot.
Move changes and upright postures. (I) does not stop with the
Many of the very few epidurals, intoxicating and sometimes
laughing gas. [1] [2] but it was MOM's choice, and he took the view that in
the control.
You have to do something that nurses overcharging case:
This is a simple Dads and moms opposite, misinformation.
understand how little time for nurses is available at
the birth of comfort care I gave them simply hands.
information on the average, the investigation provides no basis for one of the 10% of the
nurse's birth could spent time available n care.
Even the best nurses cannot just sit with the constantly
diligent in a couple of, treatment and care can offer doula type.
Even if they wanted to, and I know that many of the nurses who wish to
they can simply "doula" at birth, they have many other
responsibilities. they shall ensure that the equipment
and deliveries shall be determined on the basis of the birth. They have a chart
and upon hearing the report of the doctor or midwife.
assess the size of the mother and the babe. They are currently very
they have a clinical accomplishment and to do it well.
For this reason, I do not want to have her maternity leave, nurses seriously; I want to be, then I get to do the doula. continuous
physical, emotional and informational support for the implementation of the hands and
None of the other stuff.
Which is my approach, when confronted with the father, and you should be cautious about
and avid mother Sometimes en ole object linking and embedding (OLE). convincing enough.
No, you win some, you lose some.
What I found, however, is the most sustainable dads
usually the first line of the Call to become their
later in the birth of the experience, sometimes the only way to (a). the father
the value can offer him relive the Doula
birth without password., but do not say "I told you so!"
Happy birthing.

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