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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You're Broke Because You Want to Be, by Larry Winget

Larry Winget's book, "You're Broke Because You Want To Be: How to Stop Getting By and Start Getting Ahead" is full of practical, down to earth, advice on managing your finances. It's not rocket science, in fact, on page 125, Winget writes, "I probably haven't surprised you with anything I've suggested up to this point." It is just solid good advice on working harder, spending within your means, and making the right choices and being disciplined about it.

The book is easy to read and provides a good kick in the seat of the pants for those that are having trouble by spending more than the earn. Winget states right up front this book is not about the poor. He knows he can't help all of the poor people in the world with a book, and knows they don't want to be that way. This book is for the broke, those people who are working and making a good living, but can't seem to get ahead, usually because they are spending above their means.

Winget is all about personal responsibility, and maybe that is why I like his so much. He sums the book's title up by saying if you didn't want to be broke, you would do whatever it takes to not be broke. Winget has been on both sides of the fence, he knows what it's like to be broke and he knows what it's like to have money, and his main message is to do what it takes to make money so you can then give to those who need it and enjoy the fruits of your labor later.
The book has advice on knowing where you are, how to get out of debt, and how to cut your expenses and increase your income. (Hard work and cut out things that are not necessities) Nothing here you have not read before, but Winget's style is more in your face than many others. He does provide some tips and suggestions that you don't see in most of the other financial books. I was really glad to see that I'm not the only one who picks up pennies on sidewalks and parking lots.

If you like Winget's other books, you will most likely enjoy this one as well. If you need a kick in the seat of the pants to be more disciplined and work toward a better financial future, this book may be just what you need. I like Winget and his take responsibility for your own life attitude. And I liked this book on being responsible for your own financial future.

Alain Burrese at

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