Is it just me, or does it seem that every day ourkids come home from school asking us parents for a cell phone. It usually sounds something like "I Need A Cell Phone" It seems that when some kid at school gets their first phone, all the other kids want one too. Oops! I mean "Needs" one too. This is clearly just one of the many challenges we as parents seem destined to have go through, these days.
So if you decide to fall prey to their clever ways. Take heart! There are cell phones that are made specifically for children. These phones usefully do not have the bells and whistles and traditionally don't have cameras and or other expensive features. They are simplistic in nature and pretty easier to understand. Kids cell phones usually have buttons that are pre-programmed for emergencies and also buttons that will call their parents. Remember these phones are designed with children as their target market. These companies have done their homework. The whole concepts of these phones are "Ease and Simplicity" Not that all of our children need "Easy and Simple" but we as parents might!
There also cell phone software that you can down load that will help you track the cell phone's location via Google Maps, but it also sends you call history, and if you do get them more than the standard kids phones. The ones usually meant for an adult. ie. The ones that have text messages address book names, and so forth this history can also be sent to you.
So good luck deciding whether to allow your child have their own cell phone or not. My only words of wisdom are... Parenting has no known hand book, trust me I've looked. So we all make the best chooses we can for now. It's not till were grandparents that we get to say what we did right and what we did wrong. Only to make are on kids crazy all over again. Just saying....
By Terry Folawn
This spot is dedicated to Fathers, Dads, Stepfathers And Stepdads. We all have Relationships with our Children. Here we will take parenting or fatherhood advice, tips and tools and see what Fatherhood is all about.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
This Is Your First Steps In Overcoming Depression
Depression can be a debilitating condition. You will find yourself unable to perform your daily routine. Your sleep pattern might be adversely affected; while many people end up sleeping less, there are others who end up sleeping more due to depression. Similarly, some people overeat while others under-eat. Depression can be one of the most difficult hurdles you've ever had to overcome.
To start off your journey in overcoming depression, you want to try figure out the cause of your depression. Try keeping a record of your moods in your personal diary or journal. Find out what events or activities are triggering your depression, or are causing you to become overly stressed. Can you change these events or stop these activities altogether, or at least avoid them? If not, vent out your feelings to someone you trust, instead of bottling them up in yourself. If you feel like you are all alone and have no loved ones you can trust, write down your feelings in a journal or even an online blog. Perhaps writing a poem, even if you've never considered yourself a poet, can prove to be a cathartic experience for you. You get to turn your feelings into something that others might regard a work of art.
You may also need to change your mindset. If your actions led to a positive outcome, take credit for them instead of lavishing undeserved praise on others. If your actions led to a negative outcome, take responsibility and learn from your mistakes. Do not be too hard on yourself; remind yourself that nobody is perfect. You must believe that you are an individual worthy of respect from others. Try to think positive.
"Thinking positive" is probably easier said than done, especially when the chemicals in your brain are not in the right composition. Nutrition is one of the most important aspects in your journey towards overcoming depression. Eat a balanced, healthy diet with vegetables and fruits, and take your meals at regular intervals instead of starving yourself and eating large servings when hunger strikes. Do not overlook this critical factor; "you are what you eat", after all.
The above are just some of the general first steps you can take when trying to overcome depression, regardless of how severe your depression may be. By reading this, you are actually already taking your first step! Push yourself to eat healthily, change any negative mindsets you might have, and you might just be surprised at the positive changes you are able to accomplish.
By Valerie_Drew
To start off your journey in overcoming depression, you want to try figure out the cause of your depression. Try keeping a record of your moods in your personal diary or journal. Find out what events or activities are triggering your depression, or are causing you to become overly stressed. Can you change these events or stop these activities altogether, or at least avoid them? If not, vent out your feelings to someone you trust, instead of bottling them up in yourself. If you feel like you are all alone and have no loved ones you can trust, write down your feelings in a journal or even an online blog. Perhaps writing a poem, even if you've never considered yourself a poet, can prove to be a cathartic experience for you. You get to turn your feelings into something that others might regard a work of art.
You may also need to change your mindset. If your actions led to a positive outcome, take credit for them instead of lavishing undeserved praise on others. If your actions led to a negative outcome, take responsibility and learn from your mistakes. Do not be too hard on yourself; remind yourself that nobody is perfect. You must believe that you are an individual worthy of respect from others. Try to think positive.
"Thinking positive" is probably easier said than done, especially when the chemicals in your brain are not in the right composition. Nutrition is one of the most important aspects in your journey towards overcoming depression. Eat a balanced, healthy diet with vegetables and fruits, and take your meals at regular intervals instead of starving yourself and eating large servings when hunger strikes. Do not overlook this critical factor; "you are what you eat", after all.
The above are just some of the general first steps you can take when trying to overcome depression, regardless of how severe your depression may be. By reading this, you are actually already taking your first step! Push yourself to eat healthily, change any negative mindsets you might have, and you might just be surprised at the positive changes you are able to accomplish.
By Valerie_Drew
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor is maybe best known as a speaker and star of the hit movie "The Secret". This book is the culmination of Bob Proctor's more than 40 years of study in the world of personal development and success. Bob Proctor was a high school drop out turned firefighter in Toronto Canada who owed more money than he made in a year. He discovered a book that changed his life and started him on a journey that began in 1961 and continues to this day. That book was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The year that Bob Proctor started to study that book he made over $100,000 dollars and then over $1 million dollars the next year. He wanted to know what caused him to change when no one around him was changing. He wanted to know how and what made him successful and the result of that study is the book "You Were Born Rich"
"You Were Born Rich" is written in a straight forward way that is easy to read and understand. In this book Bob Proctor lays out a plan that if followed will give you the success that you are looking for. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific action or group of tasks that the author suggests you follow that will lead you to success. Bob Proctor encourages you to savour the book the way you would enjoy a glass of fine wine. Read the book and think about what the author has written. How does this apply to your life? What can you learn from the section you just read? Does what you have read cause you to think about other ways or ideas of doing things? Think about the actions suggested by the book and how you can apply them to your life.
The premise that we are all born rich as is outlined in the title of the book was initially difficult to believe. After reading the book I believe that the author has fulfilled the promise of the title "You Were Born Rich". We are all born with the ability to become rich and each person will have a different definition of what rich is to them. If you study this book, not just read it but study it, you will discover that you were born rich. I firmly believe that if you follow the guidance in this book you will become rich, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that my life has improved in all these areas since I first read this book.
By Mark Johnson at
"You Were Born Rich" is written in a straight forward way that is easy to read and understand. In this book Bob Proctor lays out a plan that if followed will give you the success that you are looking for. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific action or group of tasks that the author suggests you follow that will lead you to success. Bob Proctor encourages you to savour the book the way you would enjoy a glass of fine wine. Read the book and think about what the author has written. How does this apply to your life? What can you learn from the section you just read? Does what you have read cause you to think about other ways or ideas of doing things? Think about the actions suggested by the book and how you can apply them to your life.
The premise that we are all born rich as is outlined in the title of the book was initially difficult to believe. After reading the book I believe that the author has fulfilled the promise of the title "You Were Born Rich". We are all born with the ability to become rich and each person will have a different definition of what rich is to them. If you study this book, not just read it but study it, you will discover that you were born rich. I firmly believe that if you follow the guidance in this book you will become rich, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that my life has improved in all these areas since I first read this book.
By Mark Johnson at
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Dad Stuff,
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Best Spouses Work in Teams!
So what makes some teams succeed and others fail? Aside from the necessary ingredients of an effective leader and a clear goal, the most effective teams are comprised of individuals who are skilled in getting along with others. The teams whose members practice business etiquette accomplish more.
Theineffective teams often have members who cannot put aside personal agendas, are unwilling to listen to ideas and judge others too quickly. These members are the ones who, because they don't know how to get along, prevent the others from opening up and prevent the group from reaching a consensus. They complain, criticize, act superior, interrupt, are late for meetings and do not complete assigned tasks. They make the assignment difficult for everyone.
When appointed to a team, we have an obligation to be helpful in reaching the assigned goal. As a team member, your behavior can make or break the success of a project. Here are some tips to be an effective team player:
1. Be enthusiastic. Be willing to contribute ideas, offer solutions and set goals. Give time and thought to how you can add to the team. Identify ways in which you can be a better team member.
2. Let go. Trust your team members. Allow them to do their tasks without your input. Being part of a time means letting others shine too.
3. Listen to suggestions and ideas objectively. Don't let another's personality or personal attributes distract you from what he is saying. Take notes so you know what was said.
4. Stay on topic and don't interrupt. Stick to the agenda for a more productive meeting. Write your ideas down. When it is your turn to speak, you can raise the issue.
5. Pay attention to the speaker. Chatting and side conversations are distracting and imply you are disinterested.
6. Give the project your full attention. Turn the cell phone off and tell others outside the team you are unavailable.
7. Be positive. Don't negate an idea or suggestion. Recognize the value of someone's input.
8. Stay calm. A raised voice won't accomplish anything. State your case calmly without pointing fingers. If a problem arises regarding one of the team members, speak to the team leader or the individual privately.
9. Limit your floor time. Recognize your task is one of many that need attention and discussion.
10. Support the conclusion. When the team has accomplished its goal and the project is complete, don't make remarks suggesting it was not done to your satisfaction.
By Corby O'Connor at
Theineffective teams often have members who cannot put aside personal agendas, are unwilling to listen to ideas and judge others too quickly. These members are the ones who, because they don't know how to get along, prevent the others from opening up and prevent the group from reaching a consensus. They complain, criticize, act superior, interrupt, are late for meetings and do not complete assigned tasks. They make the assignment difficult for everyone.
When appointed to a team, we have an obligation to be helpful in reaching the assigned goal. As a team member, your behavior can make or break the success of a project. Here are some tips to be an effective team player:
1. Be enthusiastic. Be willing to contribute ideas, offer solutions and set goals. Give time and thought to how you can add to the team. Identify ways in which you can be a better team member.
2. Let go. Trust your team members. Allow them to do their tasks without your input. Being part of a time means letting others shine too.
3. Listen to suggestions and ideas objectively. Don't let another's personality or personal attributes distract you from what he is saying. Take notes so you know what was said.
4. Stay on topic and don't interrupt. Stick to the agenda for a more productive meeting. Write your ideas down. When it is your turn to speak, you can raise the issue.
5. Pay attention to the speaker. Chatting and side conversations are distracting and imply you are disinterested.
6. Give the project your full attention. Turn the cell phone off and tell others outside the team you are unavailable.
7. Be positive. Don't negate an idea or suggestion. Recognize the value of someone's input.
8. Stay calm. A raised voice won't accomplish anything. State your case calmly without pointing fingers. If a problem arises regarding one of the team members, speak to the team leader or the individual privately.
9. Limit your floor time. Recognize your task is one of many that need attention and discussion.
10. Support the conclusion. When the team has accomplished its goal and the project is complete, don't make remarks suggesting it was not done to your satisfaction.
By Corby O'Connor at
Better Dad,
Tips for Dads
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
You're Broke Because You Want to Be, by Larry Winget
Larry Winget's book, "You're Broke Because You Want To Be: How to Stop Getting By and Start Getting Ahead" is full of practical, down to earth, advice on managing your finances. It's not rocket science, in fact, on page 125, Winget writes, "I probably haven't surprised you with anything I've suggested up to this point." It is just solid good advice on working harder, spending within your means, and making the right choices and being disciplined about it.
The book is easy to read and provides a good kick in the seat of the pants for those that are having trouble by spending more than the earn. Winget states right up front this book is not about the poor. He knows he can't help all of the poor people in the world with a book, and knows they don't want to be that way. This book is for the broke, those people who are working and making a good living, but can't seem to get ahead, usually because they are spending above their means.
Winget is all about personal responsibility, and maybe that is why I like his so much. He sums the book's title up by saying if you didn't want to be broke, you would do whatever it takes to not be broke. Winget has been on both sides of the fence, he knows what it's like to be broke and he knows what it's like to have money, and his main message is to do what it takes to make money so you can then give to those who need it and enjoy the fruits of your labor later.
The book has advice on knowing where you are, how to get out of debt, and how to cut your expenses and increase your income. (Hard work and cut out things that are not necessities) Nothing here you have not read before, but Winget's style is more in your face than many others. He does provide some tips and suggestions that you don't see in most of the other financial books. I was really glad to see that I'm not the only one who picks up pennies on sidewalks and parking lots.
If you like Winget's other books, you will most likely enjoy this one as well. If you need a kick in the seat of the pants to be more disciplined and work toward a better financial future, this book may be just what you need. I like Winget and his take responsibility for your own life attitude. And I liked this book on being responsible for your own financial future.
Alain Burrese at
The book is easy to read and provides a good kick in the seat of the pants for those that are having trouble by spending more than the earn. Winget states right up front this book is not about the poor. He knows he can't help all of the poor people in the world with a book, and knows they don't want to be that way. This book is for the broke, those people who are working and making a good living, but can't seem to get ahead, usually because they are spending above their means.
Winget is all about personal responsibility, and maybe that is why I like his so much. He sums the book's title up by saying if you didn't want to be broke, you would do whatever it takes to not be broke. Winget has been on both sides of the fence, he knows what it's like to be broke and he knows what it's like to have money, and his main message is to do what it takes to make money so you can then give to those who need it and enjoy the fruits of your labor later.
The book has advice on knowing where you are, how to get out of debt, and how to cut your expenses and increase your income. (Hard work and cut out things that are not necessities) Nothing here you have not read before, but Winget's style is more in your face than many others. He does provide some tips and suggestions that you don't see in most of the other financial books. I was really glad to see that I'm not the only one who picks up pennies on sidewalks and parking lots.
If you like Winget's other books, you will most likely enjoy this one as well. If you need a kick in the seat of the pants to be more disciplined and work toward a better financial future, this book may be just what you need. I like Winget and his take responsibility for your own life attitude. And I liked this book on being responsible for your own financial future.
Alain Burrese at
Dad Birthday Gifts,
Rich Dad
Book Review For A Baker's Dozen by the One and Only Dr Seuss
"Your Favorite Seuss: A Baker's Dozen by the One and Only Dr. Seuss" has provided my daughter and I many hours of enjoyment. We have a lot of the single editions of Dr. Seuss tales, but we have read ever story in this larger book numerous times as well. Yes, it is a bit heavy for her to hold, so I hold the book as we read. When she was younger, I read the stories to her, and she enjoyed following along enjoying them immensely. As she got older, she started to read the stories to me and had equally as much fun. She was reading these stories at five years old, and now that she is six, we still read them sometimes. I believe reading these and the other books helped her become a great reader for her age.
In this large hardcover volume, there are thirteen of the most popular Dr. Seuss stories. The stories included in this book are: And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, McElligot's Pool, If I Ran The Zoo, Horton Hears A Who, The Cat In The Hat, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Yertle The Turtle, Happy Birthday To You, Green Eggs And Ham, The Sneetches, Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book, The Lorax, and Oh The Places You'll Go. Besides these thirteen great tales accompanies by the original drawings, there is an introduction by Janet Schulman describing who Dr. Seuss was and essays before each story. These essays and additional information about the famous author are not yet interesting to my daughter, but I enjoyed them.
Besides the fun characters and words found in the stories by Dr. Seuss, there are messages that are as relevant today as when they were written. The Sneetches illustrates the idiocy of thinking one race is superior to another, or in this case, having a star on your belly or not being the determining factor of who is superior. And one could easily argue that the environmental message found in The Lorax is even more important now than ever before. I'm sort of glad this is one of my daughter's favorites.
The final pages list all of the books Dr. Seuss wrote and the year he wrote them. I didn't realize he wrote forty-three books between 1937 and 1990. Although when I read through the list, I know all the titles. I know many from when I was a kid, and I guess that's why I'm happy to share them with my daughter. I think this is a great book for any Dr. Seuss fan, young or old.
By Alain Burrese at
In this large hardcover volume, there are thirteen of the most popular Dr. Seuss stories. The stories included in this book are: And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, McElligot's Pool, If I Ran The Zoo, Horton Hears A Who, The Cat In The Hat, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Yertle The Turtle, Happy Birthday To You, Green Eggs And Ham, The Sneetches, Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book, The Lorax, and Oh The Places You'll Go. Besides these thirteen great tales accompanies by the original drawings, there is an introduction by Janet Schulman describing who Dr. Seuss was and essays before each story. These essays and additional information about the famous author are not yet interesting to my daughter, but I enjoyed them.
Besides the fun characters and words found in the stories by Dr. Seuss, there are messages that are as relevant today as when they were written. The Sneetches illustrates the idiocy of thinking one race is superior to another, or in this case, having a star on your belly or not being the determining factor of who is superior. And one could easily argue that the environmental message found in The Lorax is even more important now than ever before. I'm sort of glad this is one of my daughter's favorites.
The final pages list all of the books Dr. Seuss wrote and the year he wrote them. I didn't realize he wrote forty-three books between 1937 and 1990. Although when I read through the list, I know all the titles. I know many from when I was a kid, and I guess that's why I'm happy to share them with my daughter. I think this is a great book for any Dr. Seuss fan, young or old.
By Alain Burrese at
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Monday, March 28, 2011
How Much Wealth Does Happiness Require?
People will always complain about their lives. When you ask them how they are, they are eager to answer that nobody can help.My answer normaly is that theu are obviously speaking to the wrong people. Looking for what is the best for you, sometimes are not.So these are just upset for they do not have anything. Happy people do not have more money than others, but they understand that they have most of whant they wanted.
In the journey of life, the worst situation is not the poverty, nor is it bad luck, but the complete denial after the setbacks themselves. In any environment, we must strengthen our ability, do not let doubt devour the soul, make the most life of the time given to you.
When a person does not face life with gratitude, but self-centered restricting gains and losses, he will complain :"Why am I so good to others, but... ". Forget about you're needs, but always remember to help others, for then you will realise how very lucky you actually are.. There is nothing to complain about it.
Loved is a blessing, but sometimes is not demanding luxury. Since we cannot demand to be loved, why not try to love others? Not always your wife, husband or children and parents. Gifts of roses, hand a lingering fragrance.
Is Money is only a means to finding happiness?
A person can easily become a proponent of others, because each has different angle of looking at things. Since the facts have not changed, then transform the way to look at it. When his upsetting and difficult to get away, we might find someone else to communicate about it, from another point of view, things may be solved distress.
Why not set yourself some goals and ideals, those long-term goals will bring you more happiness.
In the journey of life, the worst situation is not the poverty, nor is it bad luck, but the complete denial after the setbacks themselves. In any environment, we must strengthen our ability, do not let doubt devour the soul, make the most life of the time given to you.
When a person does not face life with gratitude, but self-centered restricting gains and losses, he will complain :"Why am I so good to others, but... ". Forget about you're needs, but always remember to help others, for then you will realise how very lucky you actually are.. There is nothing to complain about it.
Loved is a blessing, but sometimes is not demanding luxury. Since we cannot demand to be loved, why not try to love others? Not always your wife, husband or children and parents. Gifts of roses, hand a lingering fragrance.
Is Money is only a means to finding happiness?
A person can easily become a proponent of others, because each has different angle of looking at things. Since the facts have not changed, then transform the way to look at it. When his upsetting and difficult to get away, we might find someone else to communicate about it, from another point of view, things may be solved distress.
Why not set yourself some goals and ideals, those long-term goals will bring you more happiness.
Better Dad,
child and parent,
Father-Child Relationship,
Show my Child,
Teach Your Child
How to be Happily Married. Part 2
A man's need to be respected far exceeds a woman's need.
How can a woman show her husband respect? To yield to another is impossible if you don't respect them. You can always beforced to obey someone, but never ever to respect them. Men need the respect of their wives to have self-esteem.
Woman like to take exception to this concept of submission. The goal is not to reduce woman to servants, but to provide an authority structure in the marrage. The opposite of submit is resist. When employees don't follow the structureof a business, productivity goes down.
How can a woman show her husband respect? To yield to another is impossible if you don't respect them. You can always beforced to obey someone, but never ever to respect them. Men need the respect of their wives to have self-esteem.
Woman like to take exception to this concept of submission. The goal is not to reduce woman to servants, but to provide an authority structure in the marrage. The opposite of submit is resist. When employees don't follow the structureof a business, productivity goes down.
Better Dad,
Dads and moms,
improve your self esteem,
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How to be Happily Married. Part 1
Have you see those couple at the restaurant, that do not speak to each other. The only time they say something is when they talk to the waiter.
when the kids were at home there was alot of stuff happening. Now that they have left home these two peolpe do not know oneanother and therefore have nothing in comming even to talk about.
It kind of boils down to this, the guy doesnot enjoy his wife.
Another question unanswered is "What does woman want? Do you have any idea? Maybe something as intimate mate never develope. They are social and have sex, but are not becoming soul mate that share joy, hates, heartsores ect. They do not have in each other that other person that you can trust. To few men ever find that fried. I have found mine in my second marriage.
when the kids were at home there was alot of stuff happening. Now that they have left home these two peolpe do not know oneanother and therefore have nothing in comming even to talk about.
It kind of boils down to this, the guy doesnot enjoy his wife.
Another question unanswered is "What does woman want? Do you have any idea? Maybe something as intimate mate never develope. They are social and have sex, but are not becoming soul mate that share joy, hates, heartsores ect. They do not have in each other that other person that you can trust. To few men ever find that fried. I have found mine in my second marriage.
better relationship,
Dads and moms,
Tips for Dads
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Test of a Man's True Character
There is no beter test of a man's character than to see how he spends his money and his time. So how do YOU spend yourmoney and time? This also show what is rewlly important to you.
Do you like what you see or do you think your child likes what he/she sees?
So what are you going to do about it?
Do you like what you see or do you think your child likes what he/she sees?
So what are you going to do about it?
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