Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Diet That Works, Great Lessons from Caveman
Let’s all take a quick lesson from our ancestors and see which elements of their diet are tips we can begin to incorporate right way to lose unwanted body fat and improve our health.
1.Cavemen only ate what they could kill or find in the wild. By no means am I suggesting you begin to kill and hunt for your own food (we do have grocery stores now a days, thank goodness) but we still would benefit greatly by following this method in our own 21st century kind of way. If the food on your plate is not something your fellow caveman friend could have hunted, gathered and found himself, chances are you shouldn’t be eating that food. For example, a plate of lean hamburger and vegetables, followed by fresh fruit is perfect (for you and your new friend) but add a piece of bread or some pasta and now you have confused your fellow cave friend. These are not foods that existed during those times and are foods we are much healthier without.
2.Cavemen only drank what they could find. Do you know what people have been able to find for centuries? That’s right, good old fashioned H2O (water that is). Water is truly the magic potion to weight loss and increased health. Unfortunately a great majority of people are walking around severely dehydrated and suffering from many negative side effects which could all be easily resolved by drinking more water. Hunger, headaches, constipation, and digestive discomfort are just a few of the many symptoms that can easily be resolved by a few cups of water. Make sure to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (i.e. 200 lbs should drink 100 ounces).
3.Cavemen stayed active for a majority of their day. I know this isn’t exactly part of their Best Diet but it is an essential and integral part of fat loss and optimized health. Tell your new caveman friend that he has to sit in an office chair all day and then go home and sit on the couch for the rest of the night and he will look at you like you are crazy (not that he doesn’t already think you are crazy but this would make matters worse). Move, move, move. Movement doesn’t always mean formal exercise. Take the stairs to your office, walk the parking lot a few extra times, get up and walk around the office a minimum of once per hour, anything to prevent you from sitting all day long. Today if modern man even tried to keep up with the daily activity and regimen of a caveman, they would quickly fall over in exhaustion.
The Best Diet and the Best Lifestyle plan can be easily established by just modeling the daily activities and food choices of cavemen. Use this question today to establish your own caveman habits “Is this food or drink something I could have found in the wild thousands of years ago?” If the answer is no, don’t eat it and find yourself a food that is more natural. Of course, don’t forget to share with your new caveman friend!
Friday, February 25, 2011
End Anxious Thoughts In Just 4 Easy Steps! Part 3
Actually invite one of your more regular fearful thoughts in.
Call the fear to you, say you just want it to come close so you can observe it.
It may seem like the last thing you would wish to bring upon yourself, as you don’t particularly enjoy these thoughts but this approach can be very empowering. You are now calling the shots. You actually invited the issue in.
By doing this you are discharging the dense vibration of fear surrounding the anxious thought. That fear was sustaining itself on your resistance, -the idea that you could not handle these thoughts.
The fear quickly evaporates when you turn around and say “yes of course I can handle these thoughts.”
Fear intensifies when we pull away from it. Anxious thoughts become a mental tug of war if we struggle with them.
It is the mental struggle of pulling against the anxious thoughts that creates the inner psychological tension.
The inner tension is fueled by thoughts like:
“I can’t handle to think about this -please go away”
“I don’t like that thought- I want it to stop!”
Take a different stance. Invite anxious thoughts in. Willingly sit with them, label them and do your very best not to react.
Yes, it does take practice but very soon you find yourself in a unique position of control. You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about.
As with every technique there is always a level of practice involved in the beginning. Initially you start observing but then suddenly get anxious about the fearful thought. That’s very normal in the beginning.
Keep at it. Practice and you will quickly see how less impacting those fearful thoughts become.
Do not let your mind trick you into believing that your anxiety is something you will always have to struggle with. That is simply not true.
Not alone is it possible to control the occurrence of anxious thoughts but I can teach you how to end panic attacks and general anxiety if that is your goal.
You can have the life of your dreams. Anxiety does not have the right to steal that hope from you.
'Some of this information forms a small part of the Panic Away Program.The full program eliminates panic attacks and general anxiety very quickly and has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of anxiety. The results speak for themselves.
Here are some of the things you will learn from Panic Away…
-Learn how to be empowered and gain confidence by engaging a simple technique to defuse any panic attack.
-The four most powerful approaches to creating an enduring anxiety buffer zone (particularly useful for those who experience GAD).<
-Learn to avoid making the one mistake almost everyone makes during a panic attack episode.
Here is a small sample of how the course has helped others:
…learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years
I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I’ve had this condition.
I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn’t need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming “miracle cures”. That’s when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That’s when I started searching the web for home based “cures”. I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs!
You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir?
Talk to ya, Andy
----I prayed to God to show me what to do
I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short, I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks.
I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself. I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!!
Sincerely, Cynthia
What Is The Best Flight Simulator Game?
It is not a new finding that there are numerous flight simulator games in the market, but most of them will leave you with a fallen face and a curse on your lips. However, you can still enjoy the best flight simulators in the market if you are careful and analytical enough. All you need to know is what quality must a good flight game possesses. You need to get a flight simulator that does not kill your dream of becoming apilot. Horrible flight Sims can do this.
Get a simulator that suits your needs. The best simulator will first of all have beautiful graphics. Some of such programs come with horrible visual abilities that do not motivate you to fly. These are graphical features that are basic for a good flight simulator. The graphics for your flight sim should be able to capture the real environmental features and sceneries. This adds the feel of real life into your game. Playing it can make it feel like it is real. Avoid games that make if feel like you are flying in a virtual world.
Look for a flight simulator that:
* Allows environment change without distorting its graphics
* Has clear graphics to save your eyes
* Incorporates beauty and attractiveness
The flight simulator should allow you to improve your skills and have a taste of various equipment and abilities. The flight mechanism should, for instance, be sophisticated with a variety for you to choose from. Since the PC game is supposed to keep your heart racing, and your urge demanding for more, choose the flight simulator that provides you with many different aircrafts such as combat jets, helicopters and even passenger aircrafts. It is important for the flight sim to capture some reality for your own personal development in flight skills. For instance, the basis of the software used for controlling the equipment, and the equipment itself should capture the reality in the aviation field.
Finding the best flight simulator may mean getting the one with the greatest advantage for you over the other programs in the market. Checking some features can help you a great deal in finding the best flight simulator you need. Comprehensively checking the market is very helpful for you. You should be able to check whether
* The program allows for add-ons.
* It will require online support.
* It has real time appliances built in, and.
* Whether the add-ons are chargeable.
Add-ons are the updates needed to keep on improving your computer game. For the best flight sims, this is provided for. Some vendors will even allow you add-ons and online support for free.
Finally, the best flight simulator come with a set of inbuilt demos and manuals. This should be able to jam-start your world of PC gaming into a whole lot of new experiences. So whatever the deal, it is important to find the best flight sims for your computer.
End Anxious Thoughts In Just 4 Easy Steps! Part 2
To begin with:
-when you start to experience anxious thoughts, it is very important not to force the thoughts away.
Let the thoughts in. The more comfortable you can become with them, the better. These thoughts will never go away fully but what you can learn is to change your reaction to them.
By changing your reaction to the anxious thoughts you become free of them.
Once you establish a new way of reacting to the thoughts it does not matter if you have them or not. Your reaction is what defines the whole experience (and that applies to almost everything).
Everybody experiences fleeting thoughts that many would consider scary or crazy. The difference between most people and somebody who gets caught up in them, is that the average person sees them for exactly what they are, fleeting anxious thoughts, and casually ignores them.
The anxious person is at a disadvantage as they already have a certain level of anxiety in their system. The thoughts easily spark feelings of further anxiety which builds into a cycle of fear. You break the cycle by changing how you react to the fearful thought.
Here is an example of how to approach this:
You are enjoying the way your day is going but then all of sudden a fearful thought comes to mind.
Before you would react with anxiety to the idea and then try to force that thought out of your mind.
This time, however, say:
“That’s a fear of X. I could worry and even obsess over that but this time I’m going to do something different. I’m not going to react to it. I’m also not going to try and stop it either. I’m just going to label the thought and not react.”
Then the thought comes again with more intensity and possibly with new ‘scary’ angles you never considered. When this happens you do exactly the same. As if you were observing a cloud passing overhead, you simply
-Observe it,
-Label it (fear of whatever), then
-Watch it as it passes by with no judgment.
-Move your attention on to what you were doing.
Observe, Label, Watch, Move on
See the anxious thought for what it really is: -one of the thousands of fleeting sane and insane thoughts every one of us experiences daily.
If you are a more indoors type of person then instead of thinking of the thoughts like clouds passing in the sky, you might try imagining a large cinema screen and the anxious thoughts are projected out onto the screen in front of you. Play around with this approach. Find what works for you.
The key thing to remember is to:
Observe, Label, Watch, Move on
By practicing this approach you gradually stop reacting with fear to the thought and you learn to treat it as nothing more than an odd peculiarity.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
End Anxious Thoughts In Just 4 Easy Steps
Maybe it’s a fear of:
-a panic attack
-never being free of general anxiety
-a bodily sensation that worries you
-a fear of losing control to anxiety
My name is Barry McDonagh and I have successfully taught thousands of people in over 30 different countries, how to end general anxiety and panic attacks.
Whatever your particular fear is, I want to share some tips and techniques with you over the coming days that will not only help you end these fears but also reduce your general anxiety level dramatically.
After many years of coaching people to be anxiety free, I have noticed that those who experience panic attacks or general anxiety almost always deal with the frequent occurrence of anxious thoughts.
Anxiety has a sneaky way of seeding doubt regardless of whether the fear is rational or irrational.
So what can be done for people who suffer from repetitive anxious thoughts?
To begin, lets look at how an anxious thought is powered and then I will demonstrate how to quickly eliminate the intensity of the thought.
Say for example you are going about your daily business when an anxious thought enters your mind.
Whatever the nature of the thought, the pattern that follows is usually quite predictable.
The anxious thought flashes briefly in your awareness and as it does so you immediately react with fear as you contemplate the thought. The fearful reaction you have to the thought then sends a shock-wave through your nervous system. You feel the result of that fear most intensely in your stomach (due to the amount of nerve endings located there).
Because of the intense bodily reaction to the thought you then get sucked into examining the anxious thought over and over.
The continuous fearful reaction you have to the thought, increases the intensity of the experience. The more you react, the stronger the thought rebounds again in your awareness creating more anxious shock-waves throughout your body. This is the typical cycle of anxious thoughts.
For some it feels like the anxious thoughts are hijacking their peace of mind.
Because of the reaction you are having, you may continue to spend the rest of your day thinking about the anxious thoughts you experienced.
“Why am I thinking these thoughts?” “Why can’t I shake off this eerie feeling?”
The harder you try not to think about it, the more upset you become. It is like telling someone
‘Whatever happens do not think of a pink elephant’.
Naturally enough it’s all they can think about. That’s the way our brains our wired.
Are You Looking For A Flight Simulator Download?
Microsoft Flight Simulator has progressed alot over the years and the graphics have gone from basic to quite amazing to say the least. In this article I am going to tell you a little bit about the game how to get a flight simulator download.
Picture this....You are sitting in the right hand seat of a Boeing 737-700 ready for departure. You are lined up on runway 25 and the light rain drops can be heard bouncing gently off the flightdeck window. Air traffic control give you permission to take off and you ease forward on the thrust levers delivering that awesome power. wow!! Isnt that the dream job? Do you want to do this from the comfort of your living room? With graphics that actually make you feel like you are there right in the middle of the action.
Flight simulator games are so advanced that there are too many features for me to list but I am going to try my best to list a few of them for you now. The most recent flight sim X has puts you right at the heart of the experience by...
1.Providing dynamic world living with moving aicraft. Wild animals. Vehicles at airports. Air traffic and dynamic atc and many many more
2. Enables you to fly missions that a programmed and ready to go throughout the world including..Airline pilot missions, flying a red bull stunt plane, tutorials and many more
3. Shared skies are a big feature with traffic flying past you and moving alongside you on the ground. You can even connect online and fly with your friends. Are you seeing why a flight simulator download is the thing for you?
4. Fly some 21 state of the art aircraft from an airbus A321 to an Extra 300 s.
As you can see from the early days of flight simulator it has progressed greatly. With all flight simulators it is possible to find a flight simulator download. You can download the game and fly from your own home within hours. Flight simulator downloads can also provide you with many different add ons from exact scenery in your own town to exact airline paint colours taxiing past you.
The advantage of aflight simulator download is that it can be downloaded right in your own home and you can be in the aircraft within an hour or so.
I love these type of games as you get the real thing without actually paying for the real thing if you know what I mean.
Maybe its time you gave it a go.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Warren Buffett
How many parents take their children's amusement seriously and are concerned that these shall be. If a child was to be too small to be tortured by being kept at the side of its parents throughout a motion picture performance, it may be checked in its go-cart as one would check an umbrella.
What about the vulgarizing of American children and particularly the vulgarizing and corrupting power of the movies. Or the extraordinary absence of parental care for the minds of children in curious contradiction to the supersedulous care of the body: "Many influences are at work to vulgarize American children, and little is done by many parents to protect the mental health of their children. Neither time nor money is spared to preserve them in vigor and strength, to protect them from contamination. Meanwhile, those minds are the prey of a great many influences, which, if not actually evil, are vulgarizing. What is going on is not so much the corruption of young people in America as their vulgarization." Parents are not less vulgarized, but the awakening and shock come when children are grown and are found to show the effects of what was innocent amusement, of what proves to have been deeply corrupting and degrading to the spirit.
It is the parents business as far as they can to cultivate in their children the love of the best in letters and in the arts. It is not enough to call a halt to the pleasure-madness of our children; it is needful that their recreations be guided into wholesome and creative channels. Happily books and pictures and, though less so, music, are accessible to all. Intellectual companionship is a primal necessity in the home contacts. Partially because of the craze for visible and audible entertainment, we have lost the habit of reading. Why trouble to plough for ten or twelve hours through a volume when one may look upon its contents picturized within the duration of an evening's performance at the theatre.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Senseo SL7810/65 Single-Serve Gourmet Coffee Machine, Black
From the Manufacturer
The Senseo coffeemaker combines an integrated brewing system from Philips Electronics with high quality coffee pods from Sara Lee’s Douwe Egberts brand, one of Europe’s premiere coffee brands for more than 250 years, to create a perfect cup of coffee. The result of over 7 years of research and development, this coffeemaker brews a consistent, balanced cup of coffee each time with a unique frothy coffee layer. Brewing a sensational cup of fresh, gourmet coffee every time, at the touch of a button, the Senseo is perfect for coffee lovers of all varieties. The Senseo's mild pressure system heats water to 205 degrees fahrenheit in a boiler consistently every time. Via the mild pressure system, the heated water is forced through the machine and is evenly distributed over the pre-measured coffee pod(s.) Exiting through a pinhole in the pod tray, the newly brewed Senseo coffee is projected into the base of the patented "frothing chamber" where it is lightly aerated to produce the frothy coffee layer. The machine brews at 1.2 bars. Espresso machines typically brew at 9 bars or higher and drip brewers do not use pressure. The machine then distributes either individual or double servings of gourmet Senseo coffee simultaneously--the whole process taking on average only 45 seconds. | <><><><><><><><> >>>>>>>> |
The Senseo is simple to use--start by filling the handy removable reservoir up to the "max" line. Then, insert the pods you are using, and lock the lid into place. Next, push the "on/off" button and the brewing process begins with either one or two cups. You can brew up to five 4-ounce cups on a single reservoir of water. To make clean up easy, the removable parts, including pod holders, reservoir, coffee spout, plastic drip tray, and metal cup tray, are dishwasher-safe. Senseo offers a varied selection of blends and flavors. In addition to the first four original blends, Mild, Medium, Dark, and Decaffeinated, you can also choose from Paris Vanilla Bistro, Killarney Irish Creamery, Vienna Hazelnut Waltz, Senseo Sumatra, and Senseo Cappuccino. Senseo Cappuccinoâ??s specially designed pod contains premium coffee with a separate layer of creamer housed in an innovative "honeycomb" to ensure it blends evenly with the coffee. The result is an extra luxurious cappuccino, at the touch of a button, with no extra steps involved. | <><><><><><><><> >>>>>>>> |
- The first single-serve coffee system that delivers a fresh, consistent cup of gourmet coffee in under a minute
- Fast and easy to use
- Brews high-quality, great-tasting premium coffee available in varieties to suit every taste
- Customizable to ensure your get exactly the cup of coffee you want, every time
- Revolutionizing the at-home coffee by providing gourmet cup of coffee at the touch of a button
- Attractive solution for the coffee lover seeking convenience without sacrificing taste
- Specially designed pre-measured pods, mean virtually no clean-up
- Sleek, modern design, available in five colors: cobalt blue, black, white, and red
- Measures 13-1/2 by 12 by 8-1/2 inches
- Includes two pod holders: a shallow holder that holds one coffee pod for one cup, and a deeper filter that holds two pods for two cups (or one 8-ounce mug).
- Up to five 4-ounce cups can be brewed on one reservoir of water
- All removable parts are dishwasher-safe
- Two-year limited warranty
Click here to buy from Amazon
Monday, February 21, 2011
Start A Kids Sports Photography Business
Check it out!
In many camps children are sure to profit irrespective of the character of the home whence they are sent, but surely there are some camps a stay in which can but little benefit children. Now why do camps so speedily multiply, and why are children being sent to them in droves?
The summer camps meet a parental need, the need of doing something for their children with whom, parents do not know how to live. Why do parents find it necessary to send their children off to the woods in so-called camps charm of which lies in their maximum difference from hotels and in their parentlessness? The haste with which children flock in multitudes to these camps is a testimony to the failure of their parents to live in normal contact with their children. I have no doubt this shows of the conflict certain to develop out of the stimulated difference in tastes between child and parents.
I believe that children, especially city-reared children with all their sophistications, should be brought closer to the simplicities of nature during their vacation period. But why not in the company when possible of parents? The truth is that parents are so little accustomed to living with their children that when the summer months force the child into constant contact with parents, the latter grow embarrassed by the necessity for such contact, and the camp is chosen as a convenient way out of a serious domestic problem. And some of these parents are the very ones who will later wonder that "our children have grown away from us."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Is Subliminal Messaging More Effective Than Positive Affirmations?
Subliminal mp3s are quickly developing popularity because of semi effortless nature. On a basic level all subliminal audio messages are, are affirmations recorded on to an audio file, and made subliminal. This means that you don't hear any voices whatsoever, nonetheless the phrases do still get into your subconscious mind , and when these statements build (just as affirmations would) they will start to change your beliefs and habits on a deeper level.
This quite simply means that rather than waking up and standing in front of the mirror for ten minutes each day and then again at night time saying your positive affirmations you can use subliminal messages instead. The end result will be similar, just with the increased benefit that you could put on the mp3s without anyone's knowledge and let the affirmations to naturally flow directly into your unconscious mind while you do alternative activities - possibly while watching tv, working, reading, or maybe exercising.
This is not to say that using subliminal messages are going to be completely effortless in themselves - you still need to take conscious action towards your aims, however they will give you the edge, improve your determination and strength of will, as well as generally making you more prone to be successful. This change occurs naturally - your thoughts will change from the inside-out and over the period of a couple of weeks you will observe a marked improvement in your self personality traits, self beliefs, and in many cases your habits.
The same as positive affirmations they can be beneficial and assist you in numerous areas - from shedding pounds to improving your self-confidence, and even to aid your performance in sports activities.
To summarize, subliminal mp3s aren't a magic substitute, but they generally produce a similar result - without the hassle of having to keep saying the affirmations yourself, try it out yourself and experience the effects first hand.
Download Your Ground Breaking Subliminal Messaging Albums Valued At Over $40 Here
What Makes Fatherhood Magic?
Discover your outdoor adventure. If it's summer or not, there's always time for kids to go out for camping, biking, hiking or boating. That means kids are always ready to hit the outdoors. These activities are perfect adventure for the whole family to bond and to get to know each other in diffirent sittuations on life journey.
Camping may be a great adventure. Go biking with your kids and feel the gust of wind caressing gently your face. Hiking is also a great deal of adventure and fun. Watching nature and smelling the fresh air is truly a rejuvenating feeling.
Stargazing at night is just as amazing as the other activities. This is both for kids and adults. The heavenly bodies are such lovely sight to behold. It's as if the stars are going to fall down or you can almost touch them. If you look up there for a while you might see a shooting star to. The starts are beaming with their smile amidst the dark velvety skies.
Kids are always fond of their dads. Usually dads always give what their kids want without the knowledge of the mother. Kids always say they have the world's best dad that no one could ever compare.
Other kids say they enjoy the company of their dad walking in the yard, watering the plants and picking up things. It's a training for kids to do things all by themselves, which some fathers have not allowed their kids to do so. Spending time together is indeed an excellent way to bond with your kids.
Some dads help our dreams and imagination grow. They wanted us to keep our dreams alive so we would someday reach our aspirations in life. Truly, nothing beats the love of the father. Without him, the family wouldn't stand as sturdy as it is. It is from our fathers that we take our strength from that no matter how tumultuous life seems our family still emerges triumphant amidst all of it.
Our fathers are our security blankets. Remember when we were still young and we were afraid of the monsters creeping underneath our beds? We would usually curve ourselves like a ball on the sides of our daddy. In their, we feel so safe and no one could ever held arm and harm us. Cheers to all the best dads in the world!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dealing with the problem - the back of all CONFLICTS Part #3
Perhaps the two most important influences in the life of the child are dealt with in haphazard fashion. Parents later wonder where children have picked up their strange ideals and their surprising standards. While parents must accept the co-operation of the school, the latter cannot be a substitute for the home nor the teacher a substitute for the parent. The school cannot operate in the place of the home, though it may co-operate with it. The school cannot do the work of a mother, not even the work of a father.
The same is true of parents in relation to college and university. Again I am thinking not of the youth who works and wins his way to and through college but of that type of family in which a college education for the children is as truly its use and habit as golf-playing by the father after fifty. College education should be offered to youth as opportunity or reward, or parents will come to be shocked by the futility of it and the almost uniformly evil sequelae thereof. And parents have the right as upon them lies the duty to insist that their sons shall not loaf and rowdyize through four years at college and, when they do acquiesce in the ways and manner and outlays of the college-loafer and the college-rounder, they must not expect a bit of parchment to convert him into an alert, ambitious, industrious youth. If they do, as they are almost certain to do, the conflict will begin.
Spotlight Rechargeable Flashlight (Red)
Price: $19.99
Click here to buy from Amazon
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dealing with the problem - the back of all CONFLICTS Part #2
But in reality the eugenic responsibility of parents is a negative one and, being met, the second and major responsibility remains to be met. The former involves a decision; the latter the conduct of a lifetime. Once upon a time, it might have been said that parents are not responsible for the heredity of which they are the transmitters. Today, we charge parents with the responsibility of heredity which they bestow or inflict as well as with the further and continuous responsibility of environment. Whatever may be held with respect to the duty of parents as "hereditarians," there can be no doubt that it is the obligation of parents consciously to determine, as far as may be, the content of the home environment. I would go so far, and quite unjestingly, as to maintain that the least some parents can do for their children is through environmental influence to neutralize the heredity which they have inflicted upon them. Unhappily, it may be, we cannot choose our grandparents, but we can in some measure choose our grandchildren.
Parenthood and the begetting of children are not quite interchangeable terms. The continuity of parental functioning is suggested by the Hebrew origin of the term, child, which is etymologically connected with builder, parents being not the architects of a moment but the builders of a lifetime. This means that we are consciously to determine the apparently indeterminable atmosphere of our children's life and home. That this involves care of the bodily side of child-being goes without saying, but, as we have in another chapter pointed out, this stress seems to be needless. The primary and serious responsibility of parents is bound up with the education of a child. And the first truth to be enunciated is that parents can no more leave to schools the intellectual than to priest and church the moral training of a child.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Dealing with the problem - the back of all CONFLICTS
Even if we did not insist upon dealing with fundamentals, children would, and they will, question the right of unfit parents to have begotten them. A new science has arisen to command parents not only "to honor thy son and thy daughter" but so to honor life in all its sanctity and divineness as to leave a child unborn. Honor thy father and thy mother living or dead is good; but not less good is it to honor thy son and daughter, born and unborn.
Some day we shall surround marriage and child-bearing with every manner of safeguard. The duty of parents to a child born to them is high, but highest of all at times may be the duty of leaving children unborn. About a decade ago, it was considered radical on the part of certain representatives of the church to announce that they would not perform a marriage ceremony for a man and woman, unless these could prove themselves to be physically untainted. Later the States acted upon this suggestion and forbade certain persons entering into the marriage relation.
Seven Things You Didnt Realize About Subliminal Messages
- Subliminal messages have been used by some celebrities (no not just Anthony Robbins), such as Tiger Woods and even Stephen Speilberg - both of these have reported that subliminal messaging helped them to stay focused when it mattered, and become succcessful.
- It is not "illegal" as claimed by some, but simply banned from use within advertising due to its unfair potential to manipulate unsuspecting listeners / consumers. You can still use it to help support your own personal goals.
- Reputable brand names including Coca Cola, & McDonald's have always been accused of utilizing subliminal communications within their advertising. Coca cola for combining subliminal pictures of nude ladies within their branding, and McDonald's for displaying an advert for a split second frame on the "Food Network" TV channel (amongst additional accusations).
- Former president of the USA George Bush was accused of using subliminal suggestions in his `campaign speeches, and making use of subliminal manipulation inside election party infomercials and adverts. All these accusations were ignored.
- The "tachistoscope" was inspired and designed on the back of a lot of the first research into subliminal perception . This is a tool employed to teach soldiers to recognize enemy planes, and has since been adapted to aid the improvement of speed reading competencies. It functions by flashing photographs of sentences for for a tenth of a second.
- If you were to believe every little thing you watched on television shows or in Hollywood movies you may think that you will experience an instant / overnight outcome with subliminal audio. Unfortunately it's not true.
- Leading hypnotists together with neuro linguistic programming practitioners are actually beginning to get involved and recognise subliminal audio as a plausible and successful type of self improvement, even renowned hypnotists like Paul McKenna now produce subliminal additions to their hypnotherapy albums.
If perhaps you wish to test subliminal messages for yourself then you don't need pricey albums from hypnotherapists. It is a very simple method of personal development. Click here to download 3 albums (worth $44.91) for FREE:
Download 3 free subliminal messaging albums worth $44.91 here
Whatever your goal is subliminal messaging can help you - from subliminal weight loss to confidence, and this is just the beginning - you can gain a boost in just about any pursuit with the help of subliminal messaging!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Stop Paying Cable TV Bills!
In today’s rocky economic climate, most households are cutting back wherever they can. And with cable and satellite television costing anywhere from $65- $150 a month (more if you count premium movie channels) many people are making their television sets the first part of their homes to get the axe. But what if there was a way to enjoy thousands of television channels, including hard to find international shows and sports programming, and never pay another monthly cable bill again?
Welcome to Satellite Direct- the future of television.
With no subscription services or monthly bills, no hardware to install, and 24/7 unlimited access, is it any wonder that Internet Media Magazine hailed Satellite Direct as “unequivocally the best TV to PC software on the net”? Don’t be fooled by other so called “Great Deals” on satellite television service for your PC that give you only limited access to channels, or have dozens of hidden fees that end up costing you more than your current cable service.
For less than the price of one month’s subscription cable or satellite service, you can enjoy a lifetime of television- over 3,500 channels!- from the convenience of your laptop or desktop. And forget the hassles of waiting for installation, or hours on hold with the cable company. Installing Satellite Direct is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Register - Answer a few simple questions, and our easy registration system will process your ONE TIME payment. That’s right, no monthly bills- ever.
2. Download - Follow the easy, on screen instructions to download our software. No hardware to install, no equipment to buy.
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With crystal clear picture and sound quality, exceptional customer service, and a lifetime of television for less than you’d pay for just one month of cable service, Satellite Direct is the best way to get the most for your TV dollar.
The things that make a father a great father
Some guys are ready for it, and others have to get ready pretty quickly. Fatherhood is something that is great, believe me.
Taking the time.
How you can be a great father figure is a great thing to do when you find out that you are expecting a child. There are so many things to consider. Fathers are accepting and nurturing. Very important is fathers are not judgmental of their children.
Some other aspects of a great father.
You have to take the time to show your children that you care and that is a great way to focus on them and show them that you love them. You will feel better and have a better bond with them, . if you give them the attention that they crave.. You should always discipline your children in a way that they will learn.
Things will change.
Remember that as your children get older, things will change for them. As they grow and mature, you will have to adapt to them. This is a very important factor.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Parenting Book - How To Parent Together!
Parenting Book By Parent / Child Relationship Expert Helps Parents With Discipline, Step Parenting & Blended Family Issues.
Check it out!
Aside from all the organization and orchestration of the wedding and reception details, your number-one duty is to provide your daughter with a solid shoulder to lean upon as her Big Day approaches. This is your time to really be her rock – you’re the one she’ll be turning to when things get a little chaotic (as they undoubtedly will do!)
On top of all these caring, altruistic responsibilities, there’s also the not-so-small matter of keeping yourself sane and as stress-free as possible.
And when you’re expected to make a speech that’s warm, witty, significant, meaningful, and funny – in front of all the people who really matter to you, your family, your new son-in-law, and (most importantly) your daughter, that’s a pretty big ask.
This is where Father of the Bride Wedding Speeches: How to be Witty and Well Prepared comes in: a comprehensive how-to guide by Dan Stevens, experienced public speaker and speech-writer extraordinaire, to writing and delivering the funniest, most eloquent speech of the day.
This handbook has been designed and written specifically to meet the precise needs of the Father of the Bride. It deals with all his traditional and contemporary responsibilities on the day itself and in the time leading up to it: not just the crafting, preparation, and delivery of the speech, but everything you need to know to be the most well-informed, supportive, and confident Father of the Bride that you possibly can be!
This is a pretty detailed guide: there’s a lot of information that’s covered. Let’s take a look at the contents.
In Father of the Bride Wedding Speeches: How to be Witty and Well Prepared you get:
Immediate access to 20 professionally-written, top quality speeches designed explicitly for the Father of the Bride. These speeches have been written in a manner that enables you to piece together the parts that you like, creating your very own, personalized speech which perfectly suits your individual occasion – and what’s more, they’re officially guaranteed to be adaptable to any situation.
Over 100 witty, top-quality toasts for you to insert into your speech
Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions on how to create your own individual speech from scratch
The complete how-to for delivering your speech like a professional: all the tips and practical advice you need to look and sound great when it really counts!
The complete protocol and etiquette for the Father of the Bride: all the information necessary for you to fulfil your duties, so you can relax in your role as both a supportive father and a gracious host - who’s never at a loss for the right thing to say or do
A complete, no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee: if you’re not completely satisfied with your speech-making package, you have a full eight weeks to request your complete refund
Something that’s guaranteed to please is the fact that the book is laid out in such an easy-to-read, mistake-proof format. It seems as though Dan really understands what it’s like to be the Father of the Bride - that there’s little time for poring over densely-written, complex speech-making encyclopedias and 1,000 page Read-Me’s.
A pleasant contrast to the other products on the market, the user-friendliness of this book means that it can be read and absorbed in one night (as is attested to by several of the more-than-impressive testimonials on the book’s site).
Even those Fathers of the Bride who waited until the night before the wedding to prepare their speech still received standing ovations from the wedding crowd (again, you have to read those testimonials to believe it!) …
In all seriousness though, being the Father of the Bride is a large responsibility encompassing hundreds of specific duties both minor and major. Dan Stevens recognizes that it’s not always possible to spend the necessary time in thinking about and preparing your speech – so he’s done it all for you, by creating a speech-making package that’s not only designed specifically for the Father of the Bride, but has been designed to be easily and quickly readable and absorbable. In short, it doesn’t take much in terms of time or effort to put the information contained within this book to good use!
Something else that really ensures every last base is covered is the private email consultation with Dan: for no added charge, Internet customers (who purchase the instantly-downloadable online book, as opposed to the hard copy) receive an individual and personal consultation with Dan Stevens himself. If you have any questions, want more professional advice, or even just some feedback on your speech notes, simply write him an email and get your own personalized reply straight from the horse’s mouth.
Yes, there’s even more …
As well as all the information covered above, you also get three whole bonus books for free:
Unstoppable Confidence Audio Program: this is a downloadable audio track that’s been put together by a professional hypnotherapist – designed to help even the most petrified potential speech-maker, all you have to do is just put on your earphones and watch your confidence sky-rocket.
Jokes, Quotes, and One-Liners This book has over 100 of the funniest jokes to paste into your speech – you’ll have them falling out of their chairs with some of these! Guaranteed to inject hilarity into any wedding speech.
Classic and Contemporary Sample Toasts : no matter what style of wedding you’re having, there’s a toast in here to augment it – whether it’s formal, casual, or somewhere in between.
This handbook really does cover it all: it’s got everything you need to give a great speech, handle yourself with confidence, keep the wedding day running smoothly, ensure your daughter’s feeling relaxed and happy as she prepares to embark on her new life, and – last but not least! – manage to actually enjoy yourself at the same time!
You can’t put a foot wrong once you’ve read this book: a must-have for any Father of the Bride.
Ted's Woodworking 16,000 Woodworking Plans Review #1
I just came across a site with over 16,000 downloadable woodworking plans at:
Here is an honest review of
If you want to start a woodworking project, you need all the necessary information, including schematics, blueprints, materials lists, dimensions etc. That is where TedsWoodworking comes in. The plans are clearly drawn and there're step-by-step explainations of how the plan should be done and put together.
There are several other sites whose collection of plans have the dimensions totally wrong without any indication of parts lists, material lists or the tools needed. If you're one of those people who have bought plans like this in the past, TedsWoodworking will change your perception.
In Ted's Woodworking you will get everything you need:
-Diagrams which are detailed with a full set of dimensions
-Step -by-step instructions how to start your project
-The necessary materials for that particular project
-All the woodworking tools you will need
If you are a beginner or have done some woodworking you will find these plans easy-to-follow as the instructions are very clearly written. The woodworking plans are straightforward so they are not complicated at all. Even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking you will simply be able to master all the techniques that are needed and the woodworking skills very quickly by following the concise and clear instructions.
Another thing which is so great about these woodworking plans is that there have been some videos included and there are some to guide you in how to build benches home furniture dog houses bird feeders sheds and much much more.
There is also a lifetime member acess included in the package and you get these extras for no cost to you as they are free with no additional charges at all! This alone is worth the entire price for TedsWoodworking.
Ted Mcgrath is a very dedicated and experienced woodworker who knows what he is talking about when it comes to woodworking and DIY projects s he has been a woodworker for many many years.
There is only one drawback that we could find and that being with 16,000 woodworking plans you are bound to get some which look a little disorganized but that is understandable as it is very difficult to place all these plans into their proper categories. Secondly, it might take you a little longer to do the downloads on because of the size of them. But the members area include an option to upgrade to the DVD so you can save time on downloading.
Bottom line:
Truth is, I've been a carpenter for almost 36 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.Here's the bottom line: If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something you SHOULD use, it's something that you would be insane not to.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Mom+Dad=me Wood 3 Opening Picture Frame Collage for 3x3
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Is the Family DOOMED? Part 4
Many homes survive the lack of things. Many more languish and perish because of the superabundance to stifling of things, things, things. The very rich are ever in peril of losing what once were their homes, a tragedy almost deeper than that of the many poor who have no home to lose. The law takes cognizance in most one-sided fashion of the fact that a home may endure without moral foundations but that it cannot exist without material bases. Despite attempts on the part of the State or States to avert the breaking up of a home solely because of the poverty of the widowed mother, it still is true that many homes are broken up on the ground of poverty and on no other ground. Saddest of all, mothers take it for granted that such break-up is unavoidable.
Only two reasons justify the State's withdrawal of a child from its parental roof,—incurable physical and mental disability in a child, whose parents are unable to give it adequate care, or moral disability on the part of parents. If the latter ground be valid, material circumstances ought no more to hold parent and child together than the absence of them ought to drive parent and child apart. A child resident on Fifth Avenue in New York may be in greater moral peril than a little waif of Five Points. Societies for the prevention of cruelty to children ought to intervene as readily when moral leprosy notoriously pervades the home of the rich as the State intervenes when children's health is neglected or their moral well-being endangered in a home of poverty. I have sometimes thought that an orphan asylum ought to be erected for the benefit of the worse than orphaned children of some notoriously corrupt, even when not multi-divorced, heads of society. Such a protectory for the unorphaned, though not fatherless and motherless, might serve a more useful purpose than do such orphanages as, having captured a child, yield it up reluctantly even to the care of a normal home.
3 Mistakes Parents Make That Makes Misbehavior Worse in Kids and Teenagers
Have you ever found yourself frustrated because whatever discipline, bribes, or negotiations you use with your child, he or she still pushes your buttons? Parenting is far from a walk in the park, as any mother or father knows. Not only do children demand everything from you, they also test your patience constantly. Children are always busy with ’something’ – and usually that ’something’ causes a mess that we have to clean up. The whining for new toys or treats can become so annoying. Or they resist us and openly defy us. Kids are expert manipulators, they usually have us completely figured out. Some parents actually become afraid of their kids, and have a sense of dread because they walk all over the parents.
But parenting need not be so difficult. In fact, there is a way that exhausted and stressed parents can reclaim their peace of mind in their own home. First, parents need to become aware of these common mistakes that actually cause the misbehavior in children and teenagers to get worse. These are the three most common mistakes that mothers and fathers make that actually sabotage their efforts to discipline and educate their children.
1. Not getting enough “me time.” A little self-rejuvenation goes a long way – parents need to emotionally re-charge.
2. Using discipline methods that don’t work. Spending a little time to learn about more effective ways to discipline your children so they cooperate more easily can save a lot of frustration.
3. Not responding to the underlying reason for their child’s misbehavior Reacting to the behavior rather than understanding the “root” of the misbehavior. Think about what your child may need that they’re not getting.
By far the biggest mistake most parents make is that they don’t take time for themselves. It’s the ’super-mom’ syndrome (or ’super-dad’). Sadly it’s considered normal that mothers and fathers over-extend themselves for the sake of the family, even to the point of exhaustion and health disturbances. The truth is that this formula simply doesn’t work. It back-fires once the exhausted mother has no more to give; she starts to become resentful, depressed, irritable, and loses her patience more and more as the demands on her don’t give her the break she needs. It’s common for exhausted parents to snap at their children or begin to use discipline methods that coerce children through threats, bribes, punishments and manipulation – which actually cause children to misbehave even more.
A stressed and exhausted mother simply doesn’t have the attention span and patience that her child may need. A child who isn’t getting the attention he or she needs from her parents will begin to behave in whatever manner necessary in order to get any crumb of attention, which can manifest as “naughty misbehavior” and “temper tantrums”.
Remember, you can only give what you have. So if you don’t give yourself the space and time to renew, rejuvenate and refresh yourself, how can you continue giving of yourself? Parents need to find someone to give them some attention and care too. If you’re a parent and you find yourself exhausted and frustrated more often than not, then you need to get some time to rejuvenate. Find a friend with whom you can meet with regularly and exchange “listening time” together. Having someone attentively listen to you and give you their full attention is one of the best ways to emotionally rejuvenate yourself.
Exercise is another, take time to work out your physical kinks by sweating and stretching away from your children. Even if it’s only for an hour at night after the kids go to sleep. Don’t worry if you can’t fully clean up the kitchen before bed… you don’t need to have everything perfect all the time.
What’s more important? An impeccably clean house or your emotional well-being? Sometimes you have to make a choice. Sometimes you have to put your emotional well-being as a higher priority to having a clean house.
There’s no reason that parenthood should feel like a prison. Think about it, you will be a parent for some time, so you might as well enjoy it. Otherwise you’ll find yourself old and look back with regret at all the wasted years. We don’t want that! If you are emotionally rejuvenated, then you’ll be able to give much better attention to your children. And your child will become much more cooperative and well behaved because of this. If you have to make big changes in your life to schedule more time for yourself – do it! Your child will thank you down the road.
Find a friend, family member or babysitter to help you with the kids so you can get some time away from them to re-charge. Don’t use this time to ‘catch-up’ on more chores, errands or work! Instead, take some time for yourself to unwind. Go for a walk in nature alone, get a massage, have a coffee with a friend, work out at the gym, cry on a friend’s shoulder for a while, find a therapist with whom you can open up with, go to the spa and pamper yourself, take a yoga class, spend some time doing pottery, do some hoola hooping, whatever you need to feel re-charged and happy.
Considering the vast impact that each generation has on our society in general, it’s amazing that we don’t have a proper parenting education system. The future of our world lies in the hands of our children. And how parents raise, discipline and teach the kids of today determines our future. After working with thousands of parents, we’ve discovered that most parents simply repeat the same discipline tactics that their parents used, without educating themselves on the different options available. Plus, many of these parents soon discover the long-lasting psychological effects that some of these out-dated discipline tactics can have on their children. In fact, many discipline methods actually contribute to the rise in attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms, as well as increasingly worse teenage defiance and rebellion.
Not educating ourselves on the effects of many discipline methods and discovering healthier options is an easy mistake to make. After all, it’s how we were raised wasn’t it? The question we really need to ask is whether or not we want to learn new ways that work better to discipline our kids. We’ve often found that learning one or two new parenting skills can really make a big difference with parents who struggle with getting a defiant child to cooperate.
So often parents are at a loss as to how to respond to a child who throws a temper tantrum, shows defiance, is hyperactively out-of-control, or who has difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention. Unless parents learn new ways to respond then the frustrating behavior will keep on repeating.
The biggest key in resolving a child’s undesirable behavior is to understand the real reasons why the child is misbehaving. In our education program, parents are often surprised to learn that so many of the things they do to try to discipline their kids are actually making the misbehavior worse because the real needs and issues of the child are completely ignored. To learn about what the underlying reasons for misbehavior in children are, read the next common mistake parents make…
One of the most common mistakes parents make is that they don’t address the “root” of their child’s behavior. When a child acts out; most parents rush them to composure, try to hush the tantrum or overpower the defiance. Yet, in reacting to the tantrum, crying, whining, hitting, biting, rebellion, name calling or whatever expression the misbehavior takes, parents are in effect missing their opportunity to really solve the underlying “root cause” of the child’s behavior.
There are 3 Reasons for a Child’s Misbehavior.
There are usually 3 reasons why a child may be acting in ways that are not desirable.
The first is that they have a genuine need that is not being met. The second reason is that they are reacting to some unresolved stress or tension. The third reason is that they are missing information about the situation. For example; a two year-old child simply doesn’t know that mud makes the floor dirty, so we can’t really blame them for tracking their dirty boots on the floor if we’re not supervising them close enough. In this example the two year-old needs missing information and needs some kind of physical barrier or closer supervision to stop them from tromping mud all over the floor.
If a teenager is doing something that is causing you stress and pain, it’s likely a cry for attention. Teenagers usually crave to have more time and attention from their parents, they usually desperately want to talk about their problems and uncertainties with someone they can trust, who won’t judge them, be-little them or take away their power by telling them what they should do. Many teenagers bury a lot of resentment and anger because they don’t have any safe space to express their emotions. If parents can free themselves up by getting emotional rejuvenation for themselves they can give their teenager or child the attention and time that they really need to work through these issues. But exhausted and stressed parents usually don’t have the wherewithal to deal with a teenager’s emotions; because often children will have strong feelings that come up which are often directed towards the parent.
If parents avoid the first mistake and give themselves the time and space to rejuvenate. Then they are more able to approach their child from a calmer, refreshed and less reactive stance, then they will be able to step back and really think about their child’s needs. Once parents figure out the real need of the child, then they can actually respond to the misbehavior in a way that will instantly fix it at the root. Avoiding the second mistake means that you don’t keep beating your head on the wall trying to use various forms of punishments or rewards that don’t work in the long run.
Open Season [Blu-ray]
This first animated film from Sony Pictures Animation takes its inspiration from cartoonist Steve Moore (In the Bleachers) and features animals with human-like intelligence, a vibrant color palate, and skilled animation that makes everything from the wind blowing Boo's fur to the animals' wild trip down the falls simply breathtaking. While it doesn't quite live up to Over the Hedge, Open Season is an entertaining production that explores the difficult process of maturation, the universal need for acceptance, and the true value of friendship. Special features include a 15-minute featurette about the animation process at Sony Pictures Animation and Image Works, a 7-minute look at the recording sessions featuring the voices behind the characters, two deleted scenes, three short animated cartoon strips, a short "Boog and Elliot's Midnight Bun Run" that's an extension of the trailer scene in the movie, art gallery, beat boards, humorous commentary from the animals' point of views, and a full length commentary by Producer Michelle Murdocca, Directors Roger Allers and Jill Culton, and others. Activities include a "Voice-A-Rama" where viewers can hear specific lines spoken by alternate voices and a trivia "Wheel of Fortune--Forest Edition" as well as a DVD-ROM link to more online fun. (Ages 3 and older) --Tami Horiuchi
Price: $24.95
Click here to buy from Amazon
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Is the Family DOOMED? Part 3
- In the earliest period, parents are for the most part youngish and children are helpless.
- In the next stage, parents begin to approach such maturity as they are to attain, while children are half-grown reaching ten or twelve years. This is the term punctuated by an ever-increasing number of "don't."
- In the third stage parents at last attain such maturity as is to be their own,—years and maturity not being interchangeable terms,—for, despite mounting years some parents remain infantile in mind and vision and conduct. Children now touch the outermost fringe or border of maturity in this time of adolescence, and the stage of friction, whether due to refractory children or to undeflectible parents, begins. Coddling has ended, or ought to have ended, though it may persist in slightly disguised and sometimes wholly nauseous forms. Dependence for the most part is ended, save of course for that economic dependence which does not greatly alter the problem.
The conflict now arises between what might roughly be styled the parental demand of dutifulness and for justice—justice to the demands of a new self-affirmation, of a crescent self-reliance. And after the storm and fire of clashing, happily there supervenes a still, small period of peace and conciliation unless in the meantime parents have passed, or the conflict have been followed by the disaster of cureless misunderstanding. It may be well to remind some children that it is not really the purpose of their parents to stunt their lives and that the love of parents does not at adolescence, necessarily transform itself into bitter and implacable hostility. To such as survive, parents aging or aged and children maturing or mature, this ofttimes becomes the period most beauteous of all when children at last have ceased to make demands and are bent chiefly upon crowning the aging brows of parents with the wreath of loving-tenderness.
One further reservation it becomes needful to make. I must need limits myself more or less to parental relations as these develop in homes in which it becomes possible for parents consciously to influence the lives of their children, not such in which the whole problem of life revolves around bread-winning. I do not consider the latter type of home a free home. It is verily one of the severest indictments of the social order that in our land as in all lands bread-winning is almost the sole calling of the vast majority of its homes. I do not maintain that all problems are resolved when this problem is ended, but the fixation respectively of parental and filial responsibilities hardly becomes possible under social-industrial conditions which deny leisure and freedom from grinding material concern to its occupants.
The miracle of high nurture of childhood is enacted in countless homes of poverty and stress, but the miracle may not be exacted. It was hard to resist a bitter smile during the days of war, when the millions were bidden to battle for their homes. Under the stress of war-conditions, some degree of sufficiency, rarely of plenty, fell to the lot of the homes of toil and poverty—the customary juxtaposition is not without interest. But now that the war is ended, the last concern of the masters of industry is to maintain the better and juster order of the war days, and the primary purpose seems to be to penalize "the over-rewarded and greedy toilers" of the war-days, selfishly bent upon extorting all the standards of decent living out of industry.
Parenting Skills OnLine
The Parenting Skills Online course is based on the teachings of Parent-Link in the Uk. This is an ebook course with full audio books to follow. Very practical knowkledge, available in the privacy of the home, knowledge that can be used for years.
Check it out!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Is the Family DOOMED? Part 2
Another quite obviousthought is that conflicts arise between parents and children not during the time of the child's infancy or early childhood but in the days of adolescence and early adulthood. The real differences come to pass when child and parent meet on terms and conditions which seem to indicate physical and intellectual equality or its approach. Though the processes of parental guidance are not to be postponed until the stage of bodily and mental equivalence has been reached but that the conflicts are not begun until what is or is imagined to be the maturity of the child raises the whole problem of self-determination. The latter is a problem not of infants and juveniles but of the mature and maturing.