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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Does The Better Behavior Wheel give results?

There are other parenting/behavior programs out there. Most of them require that you read books or manuals, or watch videos, or maintain charts with stickers and the like. Mostly they're a lot of work, and mostly they work well in theory but poorly in practice. They're just too much effort to keep up.The reason the Wheel is so effective is because:
It's simple -- Once it's set up it only requires one thing. A click of the mouse.
Your child helps set it up. This is really important because once your child has been invited to participate in choosing the consequences, he/she will have an investment in the process and be much more willing to give the Wheel a spin when the time comes.
Kids need to know that parents are fair. It's easy with the Wheel. You get their input when you select the consequences to place on the wheel.
Consistency is critical. Kids also need to know that inappropriate behavior will always result in remedial action. The Wheel makes this very easy for you.
Use positive reinforcement! The Wheel also comes with a disk of rewards for when your child is especially good. This is important, especially for the younger kids. The Wheel is about behavior modification, not punishment.
Comments from grateful parents
A) " I'm hoping this will eliminate conflict betweenmy husband and me as well." Kristine Mains"Received our wheel yesterday. We are going to put this into action.We've agreed with our almost 8 year old on 3 wheels to begin with:1) for "A job poorly done" (we added the word -"needs to improve quality of work" -using all the extra work to be done , if chores and household tasks are not completed in a quality way.2) REWARDS !! wheel of just desserts...SHE LOVED THIS ONE...3) Peaceful Cooperation Wheel - We agreed on a list of 5 behaviours - kindness,pleasant words, sharing, peace-making , and first time listening.So we are using 2 of your categories and added our "own" (intrue fashion of homeschoolers!). Thanks so much. We'll be in touchto let you know how well this worked for our family. I'm hoping thiswill eliminate conflict between myhusband and me as well.We all agreed to the plan, and now we'll all stick to the plan."
B) " WOW!!! I love it. The kids are already changing in just an afternoon. " Lisa. A Mother's Touch Daycare"WOW!!! I love it. The kids are already changing in just an afternoon. Peace -haven't heard that in a while. I have been dreading summer just because of the kids being home and fighting with each other more - but not now :) We are a blended family of 8 children - his, mine, and ours. It makes for very interesting visits with the whole family and a lot of getting on each others nerves attimes. Thank you so very much for getting rid of the whole problem of giving unequal punishment out to the "stepchildren". (Seems like theonly time that word is used is when someone gets punished.) Now it's fair - FINALLY.They choose to disobey - they choose their punishment. It's great. Now I can look forward to the summer visitations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!!"

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