If you have tried potty training your toddler, you are probably feeling exhausted and demoralized as your child battles with you and struggles to catch on to the idea. You are probably wondering why it is so difficult! Does this sound familiar to you? Well, you are not alone.
... And the consequence of disposable diapers? The average age at which kids in western society are potty trained today has been delayed by well over one year!!
The disposable diaper companies know this all too well, but it is very much in their interests to have your toddler in their diapers for as long as possible. There is a lot of extra profit for them in having your child in diapers for an extra year!
There are many "experts" that even suggest that your task is to introduce your child to the concept of the potty, but to leave it up to your child in essence to "let you know" when they are ready to use the potty. If I may be frank, this myth is ridiculous! As this appears to be the easy option, it is now also a popularly held view among some parents who seek an "easy" way out.
I'm sorry to have to say this, but leave it up to your child at your peril, for you will substantially delay the age at which your child is trained, and at possible risk to their health!
The only parties to gain from delaying the potty training of your child, are the diaper companies and possibly also the so-called "experts" who promote the idea! The diaper companies stand to make BILLIONS of dollars by delaying the age at which your child is potty trained, so there is a lot of money at stake here!
"So What?" You might be thinking.
Well, the real problem is that parents like us are left to pay the expense in the consequences for our children, the environment, and the cost in thousands of dollars for disposable diapers.
What is most alarming - delaying potty training can have severe health and psychological consequences for your child, the scarring of which can continue on well beyond their toddler years! A little dramatic, you might be thinking, but just consider this...
6 Reasons Why Your Child Must Get Off "Diaper Dependence" Before It Is Too Late
Here’s Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Discover:
- Hold you by the hand, Step-by-Step Instructions, following a Proven System which will have your child running to the potty or toilet to do Pees and Poos!
- A proven Modeling Process, that will accelerate your child's learning and potty training
- How potty training can be a Fun and Rewarding experience for both you and your toddler!
- At What Age you can start potty training your child
- When The Time Is Right to start potty training your child. Pick the wrong time, and you will end up taking far longer!
- Guidance on everything you will need to carry out potty training
- How to Deal with Resistance
- How to keep your child On Track once potty trained
- How to Deal with Regression before it becomes a disaster
- Overcoming your child’s Fears in using the potty or toilet
- How to Deal with Incontinence and Bedwetting
- How to Deal with Constipation
How to deal with Encopresis (pant soiling), or better still preventing it from happening in the first place! - How to deal with a Difficult Child
- Techniques to employ to persuade your child to use the potty
- Specific Examples of what to say to your child in given situations, to have them wilfully co-operate!
- How to Deal With Accidents, in different situations
- How to deal specifically with children of Different Ages
- How to deal with the first Outside Trips while your child is being potty trained - using "foreign" toilets can be daunting for your child!
Get you copy of “Potty Trained in 1-3 Days”