This spot is dedicated to Fathers, Dads, Stepfathers And Stepdads. We all have Relationships with our Children. Here we will take parenting or fatherhood advice, tips and tools and see what Fatherhood is all about.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Goal Setting & Visualization For Kids

Wait! We Want You to Have This: 2 E-books and 8 Happy Kids Lessons Completely Free Of Charge!

Free E-book #1 Raising Happy Kids - SIMPLE ideas and tactics on how to raise happy kids that could fit right in at your house
Free E-book #2 An Attitude on Attitude - The power of a good attitude for you and your children
Bonuses available on this site to Dads
  1. 10 Ways to Be a Conscious Parent & Teach Your Children the Law of Attraction 3-Hour
  2. All-Digital Audio, Plus Transcript (from Anisa Aven)
  3. A Fun Booklet with Games, Puzzles and Activities for Children from Activity Village
  4. Authoritative Report Gives You Goal-Setting Tips (by Arina Nikitina)
  5. E-book: Tycoons John D. Rockefeller & Andrew Carnegie knew this secret (from Living Values New Zealand)
  6. Two Guided Creative Visualizations Plus Two E-Books (by Ron Peer)
  7. Two FREE e-Books on utilising the Law of Attraction
  8. E-Book and Workbook: Gratitude Journal for Children
  9. E-book: The 7 Secrets of Sharing the Law of Attraction with Kids & Teens
  10. Two Downloadable MP3 Audios to Reduce Stress Audio Gifts
  11. Free taste: Peace of Mind in Daily Life Plus 20% Discount Voucher for the Book
  12. E-Book: Vision Board Fundamentals (from
  13. E-Book: Meditation for Kids (by Nan Akasha)
  14. E-Book: The Natural Laws of Money (by Juho Tunkelo)
  15. Teach kids about universal laws and the power of their minds and attitude (novel by Lilian Grace)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Being positive during your divorce

If you are someone that is facing a divorce, you may be feeling very depressed or emotionally in distress. These feelings are very normal. Nobody knows what is going to happen when you get married. Some marriages work and others do not. It is important to understand that this is not the end of the world and things like this happen all the time.

You are not a bad person because you are getting a . If you and your spouse cannot longer get along, there is no reason to live together in a situation that makes you unhappy. You need to worry about your future and the well being of yourself and your children if any. Sometimes a divorce can be avoided with the right consoling and other times, there is just no hope.

You have to keep positive when you are going through a divorce. You cannot let yourself be taken down by what is happening around you. If you are being accused of untruthful accusations, you have to keep strong so that you can defend your name and your reputation.

Do not give up. You have to be able to fight for what you think is right until the end. If you are determined to get something that is rightfully yours, you need to stand up for it. Getting what you want in a divorce is not always possible, but you do have to keep up a good fight for it. You have to make sure that you are doing this so that you can keep up your positive attitude about what it going on.

Keep yourself surrounded by others that are positive as well. Keeping your friends and family around you is important. You need to keep having fun and laughing when you can. This will keep you in a positive atmosphere and keep you ready for what is ahead.
Once the divorce is over and done with no matter what the outcome, you have to be ready to go on with your life. You need to be ready to get on with your future and to make your dreams come true. Your life is not over even if you think that it is. There are always second chances and you deserve to have one. Your time will come for love again and if it does not, you will know that you are better off without the other spouse. You can make it on your own and have a good life.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Your Life After Divorce

How To Rebuild Your Life After Divorce - The Self Help Guide For Men
I don't think there is a greater emotional pain that can be inflicted on someone than the announcement by your partner that they want a divorce. Even if both of you have "seen it coming" for some time, and the idea of it comes as no big surprise, the actual words still hit like a bomb exploding in your head. It's really over . . . .

When it's out that the person you held hands with so many years ago, and promised to love - honor - and obey - , to stand beside in good times and bad -through sickness and health - for richer or poorer - no longer wants you or your love. You have been rejected.

In How To Rebuild Your Life After Divorce - A Self Help Guide For Men, you will discover:
a- This self help guide for men explore with you your current feelings and help you work your way through the gloom into the light at the other side of the tunnel.
b- You'll read about the basic steps required in recovering from divorce, how to accept your circumstances, recover from the hurt and grow as a person.
c- You'll discover how to win back your self esteem after divorce, how to just let go of the guilt and depression and start your journey to a better life.
This guide will help you regain your self confidence, and be the kind of person you want to be - to set your sights on becoming and attaining all your ambitions - and to do what's really necessary to fulfil your dreams.

It seems a long way from where you are now, but I'm sure that if you take this opportunity to make a new start in life it can all be yours - whatever you do I wish you success...
Start Your Healing Today!

Monday, March 16, 2009

DIABETICS! Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally

"How To Fight Type 2 Diabetes & WIN!"

PRIMAL Foods & Natural RemediesThat Empower You ToHEAL Type 2 Diabetes & Its Complications!

The Diabetic Warrior advocates remedies that nourish your body so it can heal naturally. You'll learn which PRIMAL foods, supplements, therapies, and remedies truly strengthen your pancreas while also reversing insulin resistance.

Learn How to Restore Your CHILDREN'S Strength, Vibrancy & Intelligence With PRIMAL FOODS!

First, you'll learn about the 13 essential minerals and trace elements, which form is the most bio-available and also what kind to avoid. This is no mere listing, but a detailed explanation of how each mineral specifically benefits diabetics along with precise dosages.

New 250 Page eBook Reveals the Secrets You Need to...Click Here!

"Join 17,662 Others Who Have Already Discovered How To Make The Right Decisions For Their Loved One With Autism..."

Introducing "The Essential Guide to Autism..."

- Here is just some of what you'll learn when you download your copy today:

- 13 common ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) misconceptions and the real truth for each – this information will greatly help put your mind at ease about this “mysterious” disorder

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- The 5 most recent, most accepted theories about the cause of ASDs – this information may surprise you

- 13 questions all concerned parents should ask themselves if they think their child may have autism – your responses to these questions will ensure you know what step to take next

- 28 additional signs of autism – you’ll know exactly what behaviors to look for when assessing your child or loved one

- Common treatments for autism – and how to know if a treatment is right for your child or loved one

So, This is Your Chance to Get the Step-by-Easy-Step Instructions You Need to Ensure Your Child Receives the Best Treatment Available.

Become A Better Dad In Just 24 Hours!

We’ve all seen hundreds of books and guides about how to be a great Mom. But hardly any about how to be the best Dad. Instead we get countless movies and TV shows about clueless Dads who constantly have to be led around by the nose by their clever wives.

Everyone wants you to believe that DADS ARE NOT IMPORTANT.

Let’s be honest - it’s not enough to just love your children. You have to also be a leader and a teacher.

But it’s not too hard. Or too late. Not with our “Elite Dad” program.

Here’s what the program can add to your life...
  • Valuable tips to better use your precious family time.
  • Strategies that will improve your child's chance of succeeding in school, sports or life.
  • Knowledge that will reduce the conflict in your life, the progrram will make you better able to resolve conflict.
  • Tactics that make you better able to influence your kids behaviour.
  • Confidence to make the tough decisions, knowing they are proven techniques from experts.
  • Credibility with your wife, she will respect you and your effectivenes
Because “The Elite Dad” delivers a simple step-by-step approach that’s easy, affordable, and completely doable.

Just one "Elite Dad" lesson might change you forever, think of the potetnial:
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Are you setting your kids up for success or failure? How Do You Know?

To join the “Elite Dad” program Click Here!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy

How To Draw Amazing Cars ... In Less Than
30 minutes ... GUARANTEED

Praise From Australian Comic Book Artist...

"I found the techniques were very easy to follow. As an artist myself I've never really had much luck drawing cars and this e-book shows that with enough practice ANYONE can learn to draw cars. If cars are your passion, then this is one book that is a must buy"

- Paul Cameron, Comic Book Artist, Sydney, Australia

How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy is a 123 page car drawing guide in downloadable e-book format, jam-packed from cover to cover with all the tips and techniques previously known by only a small handful of professional designers. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to draw perfect looking cars quickly and easily that will amaze your friends.

This e-book has over 135 high-quality illustrations and photos which give you step-by-step instructions on how to become a expert at car drawing in no time at all. It is choc-full of tutorials on every aspect of drawing cars as well as providing all the necessary theory to get you up to speed on the key principles fast.

You can either pick and choose what you want to know and have the practical instructions to get you started straight away. Or learn the foundations to help you draw any car you want…FAST.

This is a complete step-by-step guide to drawing cars fast and easy that you'll be referring to for years to come.

Kid Tested Crafts That Parents Love Too!

If you had the most fun, age-appropriate, engaging crafts at your fingertips you could have hours of quality time with any toddler or preschooler. You wouldn't have to assemble everything for the child or work your tail off to keep them engaged. You could turn each craft project into a learning or skill-building activity. You could be reminded what a blessing children are instead of wishing you could find a rock to crawl under.

But Finding Little Kid Crafts That Inspire "Magic Time" Is Difficult...

It could take you hours of searching online and cost you a small fortune in kid crafting books before you find any craft projects that will work with a toddler or preschooler -- meanwhile you keep trying crafts that leave you totally frustrated as your child looks for other entertainment -- like painting their arms or cutting their bangs.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with great craft ideas for little kids, you can have a bounty of ideas at your fingertips with one outstanding book called:

"Little Kid Crafts For All Seasons"
Kid Tested Crafts That Parents Love Too!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kids Activity Calendar - Sample Page

These are things that you will find at Kids Activity Calendar
-) What Begins with "A"?
-) Alphabet Radio
-) Alphabet Crafts and Activities
-) Printable Coloring Sheet
-) Printable Worksheets
-) Flash Cards
-) Surprise Game or Outing of the Week
So go and have a look foor yourself.

Click here for a free lesson on the Letter "A". Printables and more!

Children Being Bored

Strange as it may sound, bordom promotes happier, creative kids who are better problem solvers. When children use their own creativity with unstructured play, they find ways to amuse themselves -- even if it means simply daydreaming.
That's the advice of child development expert, Alan M. Hess who wants to see American children spend more time in unstructured play, less time in structured activities and much less time in front of mindless TV programs. Hess states, "Plain and simple, it's called creative child development. I recognize that in our society, it's a hard concept for peopke to grasp at first.
"Many American parents who work 60 to 70 hours a week impose a very structured lifestyle on their children. They're concerned about boredom, so they overschedule to keep kids busy. Believe it or not, there is a direct relationship between boredom and creative thought."
Alan Hess, president of Safari Ltd., with its line of museum quality creative toys, is a noted authority and respected expert in developing creative play for children. Hess states, "Think back to when you were a kid and you will recall valuable lessons. Left to our own devices we discovered resources we didn't know we had. I'm concerned that our busy, well-entertained children may not ever have the chance to learn them."
Hess, states, "Although most of the products that I've been involved with are designed for children four and up, especially our current Safari line of products, I constantly study toddler trends. Several pediatric physicions, who are part of our research team, have shared some disturbing trends with me regarding middle and upper class parents who push their children to the extremes in the hopes that this will provide a better foundation for the child's future.
"They've told me about situations where parents are determined to find the "perfect three year old" pre-school so that their daughter will be prepared for law school later in life. Other parents make their children compete in soccer matches and karate competiton when the child is recovering from the flu. Their misguided reasoning is that the child needs to learn what competition means, regardless of illness, or circumstances. This thinking is insane."
Hess firmly believes that children need time to be children. Creativity, social skills and fun are vital to a well-rounded child. He suggests that parents help children get the most out of unstructured play by limiting TV. Parents might also provide materials, creative toys and even gentle suggestions, if necessary. Parental guidance and parental participation is also important. Hess said, "Bored kids eventually take out the paints, build a dinosaur den, read a book ... and create things, or they come home sweaty from a game of neighborhood soccer. Our educational, nature and science toys with a special focus on scale-model animal and dinosaur replicas are big favorites with children. They love the fantasy play and the fun of creating their own world."
This concept of boredom is new territory at the beginning because children may be upset that they can't watch TV. They may also bicker with their siblings. Hess states, "Working or single parent households may have even more of a challenge, but he strongly encourages parents not to give in and flip on the TV, or let kids watch a video."
The lifelong benefits of unstructured play are so great that Hess urges parents to try to find an hour a week for it. And he offers these tips to make things easier:
Set Limits to TV and Video Play. There is something very wrong with the fact that many children watch an average of 38 hours per week. Cutting back can provide unstructured play time. Most parents and care takers passively allow the media to routinely expose kids to violence and sex when they would never let an individual, or educational institution expose their children to this type of content.
Far too many children spend hours each day at computers, playing with hand-held game devices, or watching videos. Hess suggests that parents set a firm daily limit to these activities. Hess says, "The value of a toy is simple to what degree does the toy invite imagination and creativity? After a week, if you find that your child is more interested in playing with the toy box instead of the toy, you've wasted money and time."
Unstructured play time doesn't require a huge investment in new toys. Hess cites one focus group study where two boys were playing with toys. One girl had an electronically enhanced dinosaur and she boasted: "My dinosaur can say 500 words!" The other boy, who was holding a Safari dinosaur countered with: "My dino can say anything I want it to say and it looks like a real dino."
Hess states, "We hear so much about hyperactive children who are medicated as a result of this behavior. Is the child really hyperactive, or does the child simply need more unstructured play time? Children are free spirits and when that's denied, we see physical and mental manifstations that have a negative impact on a healthy childhood.
"Spend time watching your child play. This can show children that adults value their play," Hess says. It's not necessary to join in, although that's great fun too, as long as parents don't try to take over. In fact, one highly successful parenting strategy involves spending time each day with your child doing whatever he or she chooses to do."
During this "special time," the child makes the decisions, controls the flow of the play and assigns all roles. It's unstructured play time for your child, yet you get to participate. It's important for us to share time with children and it shows them that you value their play.
Hess encourages parents to give this bordom concept a serious try. He states, "Giving your children a break from organized activities and electronic baby-sitters could very well mean sentencing them to boredom, at least at first, but it will open up a whole new world of creativity, fun and adventure as it helps them expand their minds."

  • About The Author, Alan M. HessAlan Hess, president of Safari Ltd., has an extensive marketing background with a wide array of highly successful toy and hobby products. One of the key factors in his success is his understanding of child development research and his ability to apply that knowledge to product development.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Potty Training 123

If you're getting ready to begin potty training your toddler... or you're already pulling your hair out trying... give me just 5 minutes and I'll show you the fastest, easiest way to do it.

If you have tried potty training your toddler, you are probably feeling exhausted and demoralized as your child battles with you and struggles to catch on to the idea. You are probably wondering why it is so difficult! Does this sound familiar to you? Well, you are not alone.

... And the consequence of disposable diapers? The average age at which kids in western society are potty trained today has been delayed by well over one year!!

The disposable diaper companies know this all too well, but it is very much in their interests to have your toddler in their diapers for as long as possible. There is a lot of extra profit for them in having your child in diapers for an extra year!

There are many "experts" that even suggest that your task is to introduce your child to the concept of the potty, but to leave it up to your child in essence to "let you know" when they are ready to use the potty. If I may be frank, this myth is ridiculous! As this appears to be the easy option, it is now also a popularly held view among some parents who seek an "easy" way out.

I'm sorry to have to say this, but leave it up to your child at your peril, for you will substantially delay the age at which your child is trained, and at possible risk to their health!

The only parties to gain from delaying the potty training of your child, are the diaper companies and possibly also the so-called "experts" who promote the idea! The diaper companies stand to make BILLIONS of dollars by delaying the age at which your child is potty trained, so there is a lot of money at stake here!

"So What?" You might be thinking.

Well, the real problem is that parents like us are left to pay the expense in the consequences for our children, the environment, and the cost in thousands of dollars for disposable diapers.

What is most alarming - delaying potty training can have severe health and psychological consequences for your child, the scarring of which can continue on well beyond their toddler years! A little dramatic, you might be thinking, but just consider this...

6 Reasons Why Your Child Must Get Off "Diaper Dependence" Before It Is Too Late

Here’s Just A Fraction Of What You’ll Discover:
  • Hold you by the hand, Step-by-Step Instructions, following a Proven System which will have your child running to the potty or toilet to do Pees and Poos!
  • A proven Modeling Process, that will accelerate your child's learning and potty training
  • How potty training can be a Fun and Rewarding experience for both you and your toddler!
  • At What Age you can start potty training your child
  • When The Time Is Right to start potty training your child. Pick the wrong time, and you will end up taking far longer!
  • Guidance on everything you will need to carry out potty training
  • How to Deal with Resistance
  • How to keep your child On Track once potty trained
  • How to Deal with Regression before it becomes a disaster
  • Overcoming your child’s Fears in using the potty or toilet
  • How to Deal with Incontinence and Bedwetting
  • How to Deal with Constipation
    How to deal with Encopresis (pant soiling), or better still preventing it from happening in the first place!
  • How to deal with a Difficult Child
  • Techniques to employ to persuade your child to use the potty
  • Specific Examples of what to say to your child in given situations, to have them wilfully co-operate!
  • How to Deal With Accidents, in different situations
  • How to deal specifically with children of Different Ages
  • How to deal with the first Outside Trips while your child is being potty trained - using "foreign" toilets can be daunting for your child!

Get you copy of “Potty Trained in 1-3 Days”

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